0.5 - Let Me Jump

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"Get dressed kid, we're late."

His monotone sentence causes my mood to drop. Why isn't he excited? He opens the door to the dressing room and my shoulders fall as I walk in.

What's gotten into Abe? Why isn't he acting the same way he was a few weeks ago?


"Hello!" I bang on the door, clearly irritated with the lack of response. "You told me to come over you sack of-"

The door swings open before I can finish my thought, to reveal Luke. He looks like he just woke up and I roll my eyes, looking down at my phone to notice I've been on their doorstep for ten minutes.

"I don't know what is going on, but Calum told me to come over and if I stand here any longer I'm going to start talking to the bushes." I gesture towards the bushes surrounding the outside of the house and he rubs his eyes, yawning.

"Come in, I guess." He steps to the side, allowing me to come in and I smile victoriously.

"Thank you." I step into the house as he closes the door behind me. "Where is everyone? This place is like a- oh my."

I enter the living room to see Michael asleep on the couch, next to the outline of a body that was previously next to him.

"What is he-" I turn around to look at Luke, slowly piecing everything together. Once I finally mentally finish the puzzle, I gasp. "Oh my gosh you guys are-"

Luke holds his finger up to his lips, slapping his other hand over my mouth. I nod in understanding and he slowly pulls his hand away.

"No one knows, not everyone is accepting." He whispers and I furrow my eyebrows, not understanding why anyone would possibly not approve of a relationship if it's healthy.

"That doesn't make much sense. If the two of you are happy then that's all that should matter." I frown, the two of us getting interrupted by footsteps coming down the stairs.

I turn around to see Calum and sigh, turning back to Luke.

"Do what makes you happy, don't settle for what others want."

I look at Calum who is looking at his phone, not realizing I'm here.

"Who was at the- Margo...hey." He scratches the back of his neck and I furrow my eyebrows at his response. "What are you doing here?"

I look at Luke who seems just as clueless as I am. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, before opening them again and blowing it out.

"You texted me." I keep my voice soft and Calum shakes his head, unlocking his phone.

"I don't remember sending that message." There's no hint of a lie in his tone of voice or body language and I feel my body tremble.

"You're kidding, right?" I laugh nervously and he looks up at me, shaking his head. Before either of them can respond, another set of footsteps come down the stairs.

I snap my head towards the stairs to see a female, wrapped up in Calum's shirt.

"Oh..." I feel a knot form in the back of my throat and try to swallow it before laughing. "I'm sorry I didn't know I was interrupting anything, I just- I'll leave."

I walk towards the door before I'm stopped by someone's grasp on my arm.

"Margo, you can stay. You weren't interrupting anything." Calum tries to explain and I try to look at him through my blurred vision.

"Dude, she's wearing your shirt and you have a hickey forming on your jawline. I may not have many friends my age but I'm not an idiot." I laugh at his lame excuse, looking down at his hand. "Please let go of me."

Shot In The Dark [Book 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt