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It's screeching and my arms are windmilling and it's not stopping and my legs are kicking and it's not stopping. My heart is pounding and my eyes are burning and it does stop and it's stopped and my legs feel like jelly and I just want to sleep. I close my eyes and sigh. There's a creaking sound and I open my eyes. A blue box is in front of me. A police box? From Earth? I reach out to touch it and-

"Oi! Get away from my TARDIS! What do you think you're doing?"

I start in surprise and pull my hand back. A man has popped his head of the door, wearing a tweed jacket and- a bowtie? Really?

"I was just-"

"You were just! Do you know how long it takes to clean her? If everyone just puts their greasy little hands on her-"

"Doctor, I think we have more important questions to be asking!" A Scottish voice says indignantly before a girl pops her head out too.

"Are you okay?" She puts her hand out for me.

I stare at them in amazement and gulp, nodding my head.

"Go on then, take my hand! But if you don't want to come in, that's fine too!" She taps her foot impatiently.

"Oh um, okay. Thanks." I grab her hand (after several failed attempts) and she pulls me into the ship.

It's huge, with a console in the middle and lots of flicks and switches. The man in the bowtie is currently circling it, pressing buttons and pulling levers.
He turns around and looks at me properly for the first time. I look at him and I feel like I've seen him somewhere before, like a long-lost memory.

"Time Lord," he mumbles, "You're a Time Lord?"

"And you're a Time Lord?"

"Yes, I'm a Time Lord. Are you?"

"Yes... yes I'm a Time Lord."

"I'm the Doctor. And you are?" He shakes my hand excitedly.

"Scilla Bloom."

The redhead coughs impatiently.

"And I'm Amy by the way. Just saying."

"But you're a Time Lord! You're alive! Which means I'm not the last. But how did you escape? Everyone died." He circles the console and approaches me, hands waving.

"My, ah, parents put me in an escape pod and I drifted for a bit before I got to Earth. Did everyone die?"

"Yes." He tells his shoes, avoiding my eye. "Everyone."

"But you're alive, how did you escape?" I question him; he seems to be holding something back.

"I was on another planet and I had no choice, I couldn't do anything."
The words he chose seem off but what does it matter? Another Time Lord!
Amy looks at me worriedly and I smile at her, not knowing what to do.

"What were you doing out there?" The Doctor asks. "That's impossible, you'd need air. Where's your ship?"

"Oh, I don't need one. You see, I can... it's hard to explain, let me show you."
I cup my hands, close my eyes and picture a galaxy. Then my house and then Buckingham Palace and lots of other places, all flickering one after the other. I settle on the top of the stairs in the same room we're in. I lean in and with a whoosh, I am standing ten meters away from where I was a nanosecond ago.

I open my eyes to find the Doctor and Amy gaping at me. Amy stares in amazement but the Doctor stares in something close to reverence.

"That was amazing!" Amy exclaims.

"You have the Gift?' The Doctor asks, stunned.

"The Gift?"

The Doctor settles into a chair, crosses his legs. He motions for me to sit on the steps with a sideways look at Amy who, I'm guessing, doesn't know much about this. She leans against the console, feigning nonchalance but her eyes are bright with interest.

"The Book told of children, generations apart, that would have no need for ships. The could travel anywhere they wanted, unrestricted by rules and barriers. They were to be great leaders, worshipped by all and the people of Gallifrey were to follow them across the stars and galaxies. When one died, another was born and would follow in their footsteps, leaving all family ties behind. When the Time War broke out, Makta, the one at the time, was killed in the first battle. The people clamoured for the new Gifted One to be brought forward, to save them all. But no one did. Did your parents realise?" His green eyes are old, so old and he seems to be looking at the past, at something only he can see.

"I don't know, we never spoke of it. I was put in the escape pod after the Fall of Arcadia, I didn't know, I was only a child, I- I'm sorry." I stutter. Finding out all this, I could have helped but I didn't know. Why wasn't I told? Why did they send me away? Why was I the only child that was sent away?

The Doctor just sadly gazes in my direction before standing up abruptly. He walks towards me and sits beside me.

"One day, I will find Gallifrey and when-" He starts.

"Find? What do you mean find? You mean it's lost? How could you lose a planet Doctor?" Amy interrupts. I laugh loudly and she grins at me.

"Yes thank you Amy. Right when I find Gallifrey, I'll come and get you and we will see her again but I must not return there without you. Unless... you want to travel with us?"

"I can't, I've got a life on Earth and I can protect her from there. I recently got in touch with one Smith who might be able to help me. I can't. I'm sorry Doctor. But if you ever need any help, just give me a ring, right?" He smiles, amused.

"Oh and Doctor? Is this yours?" I take the sonic screwdriver out of my pocket.

"Yes! Wait, you fixed it? You fixed it? But I destroyed it!"

"And left it in the middle of a village where anybody could have got it! What were you thinking?" I knock him round the head with it. What an idiot!

"Well before you go back to your home on Earth, to make up for nearly killing you, do you want to come visit the planet we were heading to before we were so rudely interrupted?" The Doctor offers as he and Amy grin at me.

I nod excitedly. "Then you'll take me back home?'

"Of course." He replies. "Hold on tight! We're going through a particularly rough piece of space!"


the end! there's an epilogue coming but this is the end so thank you so much if you read it all :)

imaginary points if you saw the matilda reference


A Doctor Who fanfic: Scilla BloomTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon