A dart flashed by and was stopped by the guard, and after a while, there were a few more.

    It's all poisoned, I can't wait for him to die thoroughly.

    Soon, under the combined efforts of the dark guards and the guards, the men in black had nothing to survive.

    "The minister waits for the rescue to arrive late, I hope your majesty will punish

    him ." Zuo Yan waved his hand and let them go down.

    Su Ke

    stepped down from the beam of the room, "What's the call?" Zuo Yan walked back with his hands behind his back. After he ascended the throne, he had to come two or three times a day. I don't know who is so persistent. Deadly.

    "Xiao stream drunk it?"

    Su Ke standing in the doorway, "I can understand, this is your Majesty day not seeing, such as every Sanqiu do?"

    Left speech, "where so many adjectives, others do?"

    "None There is

    something wrong with Ge, and he said that he will come to your Majesty after he finishes solving it." Zuo Yan sat back in his previous position and suddenly asked, "Did your sister find it?"

    Su Ke was stunned for a moment, "Not yet, but it's     coming soon."

    Zuo Yan said: "That's good."

After a few days, Xiao Liu drunk came back. Accompanied by his return, there was another news that Zhao Zhenlong finally couldn't bear it, biting the question of the emperor's blood, bewitching people's hearts.

    The people in the counties and counties near Xuzhou are convinced, and even this influence has been expanding.

    Zhao Zhenlong holds a tiger charm in his hand, can mobilize a hundred thousand army, guard the border all the year round, and his influence and prestige are a hundred times higher than that of an unlearned prince.

    There are already many people who are ready to move. The Zhao family wanted fame before. Zhao Zhenlong didn't want himself to be charged with treason, but now it seems that he doesn't care for the throne.

    History books are in the hands of the victor, and Zhao Zhenlong deeply understands this truth.

    Starting from Xuzhou, attack in the direction of the imperial capital.

    Because of this, several white-bearded veterans almost fought in the courtroom the next day.

    The people in the imperial capital were also panicked. Zhao Zhenlong's reputation was praised too high, and what the ever-victorious general brought to them at the moment was a huge threat.

    At this time, it was suggested that the queen's harem is empty and it is better to choose a concubine.

    Listed are General Li’s daughter, Liu Shilang’s granddaughter, Sun Yushi’s girl...

    Zuo Yan doesn’t know if the person who proposed this idea wants him to get pierced in the sedan chair now, or simply wants him to stay quickly So, if the Zhao family invades the imperial capital, they will flee with the pregnant woman and wait a few years before avenging him.

    On the spot, he directly rejected it.

    As for pedigree, Zuo Yan feels that at least this point is right.

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