"Wil, trust me. I trust her, Tubbo trusts her. Niki trusts her." Tommy states in a firm tone, confirming my thoughts. Wilbur believes I'm the traitor. I don't blame him, I was the enemy after all until recently. If there was anyone more likely and had I been any different, I'd have said and come clean about it too. However, I am not their traitor. I am not the spy they are looking for. The spy I am looking for. I watch everyone's reactions to this news being released. Tubbo and Niki stand indifferently, their expressions not giving away their feelings, surprisingly. Niki glances over, a quick show of concern shows in her eyes as we meet stares. I give her a quick smile to show I was okay and she does a curt nod, returning her attention back to Tommy and Wilbur arguing about my supposed spy status. Fundy is quiet. He's been more reclused lately and I'm concerned about him. I'll have to find the time to talk to him and ask him how he's doing when I get the chance before the fighting starts.

Eret, on the other hand...

He stands there, indifferent like Tubbo and Niki. He seems to feel someone's gaze and he turns, catching my stare from behind his glasses. He immediately looks away. I look back between him and Fundy. My two top suspects. One of them is a traitor. And I have to figure out who before it's too late.

The life of a spy is a difficult one. You can't make one wrong move or else your house of cards will come crumbling down. Eret learned that the hard way when one of Dream's own childhood friends joined L'Manburg. Eret would be lying if he said that the woman didn't scare him. There were several times Eret was sure that she was onto him. The long nights sneaking out and only returning in the early morning. It was one of these nights (also just so happened to be the night before Dream's ultimate declaration of war) when Eret spotted (Y/N) sneaking out of L'Manburg with Tommy, Tubbo and Niki in tow. He tried to keep up with them. However, once they got into the cover of the forest that surrounded the SMP's land, they vanished. Eret spotted the reason why. A smashed bottle that likely contained an invisibility potion laid in pieces at his feet.

"What could they be doing?" He wonders out loud, not caring who could hear him. After all, he's in his own allies' territory. Twigs snap behind him and a familiar mask enters Eret's vision.

"How goes the bunker?" Dream asks. Eret turns to meet Dream face to face.

"Completed. Ready to be used whenever you want, sir." Dream nods, seeming like he's happy about this development.

"Good. Keep your guard up. She's not dumb. It's likely she's already sussed you out." Dream states and Eret could feel his nerves spark up.

"If she has, she hasn't acted on it yet. I think I'm in the clear for now." Dream laughs, as if Eret has told a hilarious joke.

"I wouldn't underestimate her. (Y/N) may be weaker than the others and myself physically, however she could rival me on smarts if she so pleased. Hell, I remember the first time I met her when I was a kid. She managed to beat George and Sapnap at catching me in a Manhunt. I've admired that strong trait of hers that's only developed all these years. Believe me, Eret. It wasn't a mistake that she managed to escape us that night in the rain." Dream confesses. Eret stares in shock as Dream reveals what happened that night.

"She even led me straight to L'Manburg's secret tunnel system. The sewers that they've managed to create in a small amount of time is astonishing. There's also one other thing that I learned from that night. It's something I'll keep a secret to myself." Eret raises a brow. There's something else Eret isn't aware of? Dream chuckles at Eret's confused expression.

"Don't worry yourself over it. It has nothing to do with L'Manburg. Rather, it's got something to do with my dear childhood friend. So, forgive me for not sparing you the specifics." In which case Eret shrugs.

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