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  I woke up, after blacking out for literally nothing. Probably because i was over thinking everything way too much.

I heard glass break. I flinched at the noise. I knew i had to hide. I made sure not to make noise.

I heard them break down my bathroom door, in hopes of finding someone. I wasn't in there though.

I heard as he leaned on the doors with his knife, causing him to scrap the doors with his knife.

I started trembling and buried myself in my own arms. I got even more scared, when he found out what room i was in.

I had my door locked but he kicked it down. I felt my heart racing, If he knew i was in the closest i'm gonna be dead.

Something grabbed me from the closet as i starting screaming. He threw me on the floor roughly. He grabbed the pocket knife from his pocket and stabbed me with it.

I let out a painful groan, i rested my hands on the wound. I started to whimper, from how much vile agony  I was in.

I felt myself get dull, blood gushing out. My body was quivering. I felt something slap my face.

" Don't die on me, come on stay with me"
I couldn't recognize the voice because i was in so much agony.

They kept shaking my shoulders, in attempt for me to not close my eyes. They starting holding me in their arms.

I felt pain and exhausted, I just didn't feel like fighting for a life that didn't want me.

" Don't close your eyes! Stay with me please " whoever that was screamed again.

The wounds were deep, I couldn't speak because every time i did my wound felt like it hurted more.

I started slowly closing my eyes, they kept shaking for me to stay awake but i couldn't. I was in so much pain.

Then, I simply blacked out.

I woke up in the hospital, I tried sitting myself up. When someone tried helping me sit up, i flinched at their touch.

I turned my head towards them, and then from that moment i knew who he was.

One of my oldest friends, Daniel.

He was a childhood friend of mine. He was charming, sweet, kind, he was muscular. I've known him since i was 6.

I was rather surprised and confused why he came to see me after a long time.

" It's ok, it's just me. I'm not going to hurt you" he softly whispered, his soft voice eased me.

He gently hugged me, making sure he wouldn't hurt me.

I pulled out the hug, since i felt weak i shut my eyes and took a nap.

I woke up, hours later.

And there was a strange figure, standing within the dark.

I tried shutting my eyes, in hopes of that I was just imgianing things.

I opened my eyes, once again and it was still there.

I felt my pulse quicken, I couldn't move my body. I was in shock.

The figure got pushed out the dark, causing me to flinch.

It was a rather handsome tall man, since I was only 5'6.

His fist  kept coming in contact with the man's face. I was confused how stuff was happening rather fast.

My eyes couldn't belive what was really happening.

Then the creepiest shit happen.

Veins grew from his eyes, he had fangs.

He started feeding on him, and left him  without a single drop of blood.

As he turned my way, I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to sleep. So he'd leave me alone, and not kill me too. For knowing his secret.

I know had to keep all of this for myself, since I'm aware I could get myself killed at this point.

I felt his cold hands touch my face, as he kept rubbing his finger gently on my cheek.

I wanted to get up and run, but that's a fucking stupid idea.

I just layed there, as I just felt his touch. Whoever he was.

I didn't remember him nor know who he was.

Whatever memory if I did have one of him, was wiped out of my mind.

I was rather creeped out at whatever was going on.

He then like that, left.

For the rest of the night, I couldn't stop thinking about his touch.

Thoughts entering my mind every now and then.

I don't even know such a man, honestly I shouldn't really think much about this.

Whatever happen, it's best for me to move on from it.

𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now