Game Nights

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Game Nights

Kharis POV

"Hey, do you guys wanna play a game?"

"Why all of a sudden Kharis?" Kyro asked.

"Why not your majesty?" I mocked.

"Come on Kyro, it's not like a game will kill us! Games are fun! And you really need to learn how to have fun." Clove huffed.

"That hurt." Kyro replied.

"I'll play." Nouren added.

"Same here." Aaron raised his hand.

I gave a squeal of glee. "YES! How about we start the games in hour!"

"Wait, first you said game, and now you're saying game-s?" my brother asked.

"Well we all know we will eventually tire of one game right?" they all nodded.

"Good! We'll meet in the dining hall."

"Sure." they all said in sync which was kind of creepy.

One Hour Later In the Dining Hall

Kharis's POV

They all sat down at a square table that could seat 12 people.

"So, the first game I have picked for us to play is...THETRYNOTTOBLUSHGAME!" they all looked at me confusedly.

"The what?" they all asked in sync AGAIN.

"Can you guys stop saying everything in sync! It's freaking me out! But to answer your questions, the game is called The Try Not To Blush Game. The instructions on how to play is literally in the name of the game. You have to say things to another person and try to make them blush. Whoever blushes first, loses. Got it?" they nodded. "I have cut out strips of paper and placed them in this bowl. The strips have names on them. More specifically, one of our names on each strip. Now, you have to pick one strip of paper from this bowl, WITHOUT CHEATING, so you have to close your eyes, that does not have your name on it. Understand?" they nodded again. "Who wants to go first?" Nouren raised his hand. "Go ahead" I offered the bowl to him and he closed his eyes, gingerly reaching his hand into the bowl and picking a strip. He looked at it.

"Kharis." he smiled deviously. "Oh, I am so not going easy on you."

"Bring it on!" I readied myself.

"Nouren, I like you."

"Oh please! I know that! My turn now. I love you, Kharis." He spoke in such a debonair-like way which made me blush instantly. He laughed. "You lose!"

"Hey!" I was still blushing tomato red.

"Okay, okay. Next person's turn!" Nouren spoke through fits of laughter.

"Clove, your turn!" we were going clockwise. Nouren sat to the right of Clove, I sat to the left of Clove my brother sat to the left of me, and Aaron sat in between Nouren and Kyro.

Clove's POV

I closed my eyes and reached into the bowl. I touched a piece of paper and took it out of the bowl.

"Aaron." right when I said that word, I saw Kyro glare at Aaron slightly.


"Aaron I like-"

Aaron cut me off. "Stop."

"But I really like-" I started again.


"Then you start. Say you like-"


"C'mon, I know you like me." that was the first full sentence I got to finish.

"JUST-" He paused for a split second "I JUST CAN'T SAY I LOVE YOU, YOU ASSHOLE!" he blushed.

"Woah! No profanity is allowed here! Also, you lost." I said smugly. He went wide eyed.

"Nnn,uhh-what-" he spoke in gibberish. Nouren, Kharis, and even Kyro laughed.

Kharis POV

"Next person up! Oh wait, that's me. My bad." I rummaged through the bowl mixing up the names. I plucked one out.

"Oh, it's Clove again."

"Uh, no. I don't do "lesbian". I swear, you do not want to see me angry like that. I think you should stick to the safer-" Clove started but I cut her off.

"Rules are rules dear!"

"I'll start. I loooove you Clovey!" I spoke in a sweet but dangerous voice.

"What did you just say?"

"I said I loooove you sweetie!"


"Oh yeah? You just can't play this game, can you?" I taunted. But I realized too late. I messed with the wrong dragon.

She stood up from her chair. "Ok then, I'll play your game." as quick as lightning, she grabbed the collar of my shirt. "I love you, Kharis."

I blushed furiously. "Ok, I give up. My loss. Now stop." I was trembling from embarrassment.

Then everybody burst out laughing. "H-hey! Don't laugh!"

We played a few more rounds without Clove since she was too good at this game.

"Guys, I think Clove should join us again. But! Now that you have shown that you are too good for this game, we will be setting one more rule just for you! Lower your intensity, okay!"


"Nouren! Your turn!" I called.

Nouren's POV

I reached into the bowl and took out a piece of paper.

"Clove. Lucky me." I said sarcastically. "Can you start?"

"Man, I like you." she replied.

"Actually, I love you." I kept my cool but I saw Kyro glaring a hole right through me.

"I'm so freaking in love with you too."

"I love your eyes."

"I would kiss you right now." she spoke. I almost blushed but I bit the side of my mouth to keep it in.

"Did I say you have a nice ass?" right then, Kyro was about to get up and do god-knows-what to me but Aaron and Kharis held him down.

"I just love your abs. So hot."

"Dude, just marry me already."

"Of course! Can we skip the wedding thing and go to the honeymoon?" I could tell Clove was getting frustrated because of her special rule. Again, I almost blushed when she said the word 'honeymoon' because I know what usually happens during the-um-WHATEVER! I could see Kyro trying to settle down from his jealousy.

I clenched my fists. "Sure. I'll show you something you'll never forget." I vexed.

"YOU.ME.BED.NOW." Clove demanded in an aggressive tone.

"You won't resist Dragon."

"Oh, I'm sure I will Captain." she said sharply.

"Then I'm going to-"

"OK! WHAT THE HELL YOU TWO!" Kharis cut in. "KYRO! Your turn! You haven't played as much as us!"

Kyro's POV

I was silently fuming where I was sitting. Even though this is just a game, I couldn't believe how much anger I could get from some dumb game. I was taken away from my thoughts when my sister spoke.

"OK! WHAT THE HELL YOU TWO!" Kharis cut in. "KYRO! Your turn! You haven't played as much as us!"

I reached into the bowl. "Clove." I smiled.

"I love you Kyro." she said sweetly, but she didn't blush.

"Oh please. You're my girl, this game won't work for us."

"Really? How about this, then?" she leaned in and whispered certain "things" into my ear.

"W-What did you...This is...oh gods!" I knew that by now, I was sporting a crimson red blush.

"Well, I think I won!"

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