Fightg pt 2

Depuis le début

"Mmmmk fine coach me too please you and ethan both" i say

"Okok now come on" Ryan says and i pick up the sleeping buggy in my lap and i walk with Ryan to everyone else. When i walk in the room I'm booed at and laughed at by the mean kids

"Booooo we liked ally better" one says "why were we just left with you" another one says

"Yeah i liked her better too" i snap harshly at them shutting them up. I'm not here for this today no thanks. I get into my corner of the rink and ethan helps me put on my gloves and helmet

Jake stands in between me and Sara talking to the cameras

"So were here today to have a clean fight against Sara and Nicole squashing the beef that has lasted for years. Winner gets $10000" jake says "there's gonna be 4 rounds of 2 mins who ever gets knocked down first loses that round" jake says. "Ok you two tap gloves and start when the bell rings" jake says and we tap gloves. Bro what the fuck is this girls form

The bell rings and everyone starts saying shit. I have a feeling she actually trained for this. She gives the first punch but i dodge it. I then swing at her hitting her in the shoulder almost knocking her over. She then gets back and punch's me right in the side of the head making me stumble a bit. I hear people cheering and saying rude shit about me. Honestly I just wanna go home now. We continue to hit each other but no one falls

I look at the crowd of people but I see one thing. Mads all over Jaden. I then feel a big hit against my head. And I get caught off guard and fall down on the ground. Then the illegal boxing stuff happened. She got ontop of me and started punching me in the face repeatedly. I hear Jake blowing his whistle telling her to get off because the bell rang and it was over but she didn't stop.

I then snap out of it. Snap outta the thought of mads all over Jaden. I then punch sara right in the face hard actually she falls over down beside me and the crowd gasps. I'm fucking pissed.

"What the fu-" Jake says surprised. I stand up and cross my arms over my chest going back to my corner to get water and ethan and Ryan come and talk to me

"Ok I don't know what the fuck is happening but you can't get your ass kicked by Sara. We know you hate half of the people in the crowd but come on Nikki" ethan says and I take a sip of water

"Yeah Nikki. Come on please don't lose. Just take all your anger out. Your getting permission to punch my sister and fight her without getting in trouble. I mean look at her right now" Ryan says and we look over at sara who's on the ground still from when I punched her in the face and jakes standing over her trying to make her get up because she's just complaining.

"I mean you did knock her out but do that when the time isn't up ok" ethan says patting my head smiling

"Their just trying to throw you off Nikki don't listen to them ok. I know you could knock sara out. So please do take out all your anger your anger issues out on her" Ryan says and the bell rings for round 2

Last round

It's the last round i basically won already. I knocked her out every single time. She did get some good hits though. The crowd would react everytime someone made a hit. I didn't dare look at Jaden again I'm pissed off. There's like 30 seconds left in this round.

We go back and forth back and forth throwing punches everytime she hits me I hit her back 10x harder making her stumble. I want this to be over already

"TIMES UP" Jake yells as the bell rings and Sara's on the ground. I'm not gonna be rude back. I help her up catching everyone by surprise

"Ok we've gotten to the conclusion of who wins. There could only be one winner according to the rules. And the winner is.... NIKKI" Jake yells holding up my arm and all my friends are clapping and cheering. My muscles hurt. Sara looked mad mad. All of the sudden she kicks Jake in the balls and Jake falls to the ground

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