(2) Six Points Debunked

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1. "You send yourself to hell" 

- What about those who didn't know the rules or even if you do know the rules, who decides that you'll go to hell ? Never you. 

2. "God is all loving, knowing and powerful" 

a. - an eternity of torment isn't all loving 

b. - an all knowing God would've presided over more countries than just Israel and wouldn't need people to spread a message for him, say it's a "test" all you want, if he wanted the message out there to everyone, he would've got it to EVERYONE 

c. - an all powerful God that does nothing isn't all loving and a God that can't do certain things (like forgive or know some things) isn't all powerful 

3. "The Tree Of Knowledge" 

-This is a parable of either God not wanting you to have knowledge or Humans becoming knowledgeable if they live free lives and die (an escape from the sorrows of life) 

4. "The Reason Jesus Came" 

- Strangely enough, in the New Testament, Jesus never explicitly states that he has come to bail souls out of hell, he asked people (a desperate people) who they thought he was and the highest they were willing to believe was SON of God so he said "Yes I am" if these people anointed him God, he would've followed too. The ceremonies he went through as the Messiah was to fullfill Old Testament prophecy which would've had him become King Of Israel after an overthrow of Pontius Pilate but that didn't happen so the Jews til this day don't accept him as Messiah because he did not fulfill fully the prophecy 

5. "The Presence Of Hell" 

- The Old Testament never mentions Hell, it only applies to Israel and the penalty for sin is death and battle loss and to atone simple sacrifices can be made. Not until the New Testament does it involve everyone that eternal dimensions like heaven and hell are brought in and "Heaven" in the Old Testament literally means "sky" don't believe me, check out Old Testament verses with "Heaven" and read the context

6. "Who's to Blame For Hell" 

- We can't blame Satan because he was NEVER mentioned as the ruler of Hell, Satan is always mentioned as being a corrupting force on Earth but never the ruler of Hell, that notion came in pop culture later mainly through art ! Hells torture has to be all on God, BUT as much as God was around in the Old Testament, Hell was never mentioned 

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