Part 1

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Chapter One.

Severus Snape was sat in a theatre watching pupils from different dance schools from across the UK. He was looking out for some fresh new talent to bring into his dance school in London, The Marauders Performing Arts.

His best friend from school, Lily Potter nee Evans was sat with him as her son Harry James Potter was also performing tonight. Lily along with Severus's best friend and investor into the dance school Lord Lucius Malfoy all put their input into what they wanted from their pupils in the dance school.

"Harry mentioned to me that we needed to watch one girl who he is performing with tonight." Severus looked at the programme of the tonight's performers.

"Oh, he did mention to me in passing. Apparently, she has potential to be a top-class performer. But we shall see tonight." Lily said to him.

"Well Harry has been right for the last couple of times. They have all gone on to be top dancers in their field."

Lord Lucius and his son Draco Malfoy had turned up outside of the theatre in their chauffeured Rolls Royce. Photographers cameras were flashing non-stop as they got out of their car.

Draco started signing autographs to the people outside as security had to be called in to keep the fans back from the rising solo singer.

"Draco son, we need to get moving as young Harry is performing in a few minutes. Plus, we need to find your Uncle Severus and Aunt Lily." Lucius mentioned to his son.

"Ok father lets go in then."

"OH MY GOD! I can't believe what I've just heard." Justine Templeton came into the 'Prince Academy of Dance' dressing room in a tizzy.

Hermione Jean Granger was just checking out her pointe shoes to make sure that they were on her feet securely and tied up properly.

"What is it Justine?" Harry asked who was warming up in the corner of the room.

"Lord Malfoy and his solo artist son Draco Malfoy are here in the audience tonight. Lord Malfoy is the investor into that dance school in London the Marauders Performing Arts. So, if Lord Malfoy is here then his two friends are here checking out the talent that is on stage." Justine started jumping up and down.

Madam Prince walked to see Harry standing next to Hermione who had just got onto her pointes.

"Justine calm down girl. Yes, Lord Malfoy is here with his son. Now by Gods let's hope that my son isn't here with him. Now then Harry and Hermione you're up first with your ballet duet then your solo Hermione Harry you then need to get ready for the group dance." Madam Prince mentioned.

"Madam Prince, can please not do that dance? Many of the others don't want to perform it and be the laughingstock of the whole night." Harry asked of the aging dance teacher.

"Harry my dear; you will perform whatever dance I tell you to perform. Now you need to head on up to side stage as you are the next on. Now impress Lord Malfoy for me boy."

Harry headed up towards backstage where Hermione was warming up.

"She still hasn't changed her mind then Harry?" Hermione asked of her dance partner.

"No, she hasn't. I don't want to do that dance at all. It's not a suitable dance for 14–17-year-olds to perform."

Justine and a couple of the others joined Harry and Hermione.

"Are we still doing S&M?"

"Yeah, Madam Prince won't budge at all. Unless... Hermione you still got that song that we all danced to a couple of years ago on your iPod. The one that we all loved?" Harry's face brightened up at his idea.

"Oh, you mean Dancing Fool? Yeah, I do still have it on my iPod."

"Guys you all remember that dance, don't you?" Harry asked the other dancers.

They nodded their heads in reply.

"Right then, we all have our dance school uniforms, don't we? Well change into them and we will perform Dancing Fool instead of Rihanna. But keep it to yourselves." Harry told them all.

Hermione turned to Harry.

"Give me your iPod after you have changed, and I will have a word with the Stage manager about changing the music for our last dance of the night. Don't worry about it, it will be all ok." Harry kissed Hermione on her forehead.

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