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Alecander POV

"Go dance with her Alec." Renézmae whispered up at me.

I looked down at my mate, her red hair and bright blue eyes the first features that stand out. Then her high cheek bones and perfectly plump lower lip. She was in a gorgeous black dress today, with feathers swooping far along behind her but letting her long legs be open and free.

She lets go of my hand and begins walking away from me and towards Lorenzo.

I walk over to Becca but couldn't help every second to glance my sight back at my mate and that rouge.

"Rebecca, may I have the dance." I ask, my bestfriend.

"I don't want to die today Alec." She replied.

"Renézmae asked me to, and I want to, you are my friend and that is my niece or nephew." I say, Becca smiles and she takes my hand and leads us to the dance floor.

I quickly mind link Renézmae to tell Lorenzo to watch his hands, which she simply laughs at.

But I couldn't help it. Lorenzo, not matter how much she insisted that he was just a friend- he was a male, the complete opposite of myself, dark hair, lean, brown eyes- and he only made her laugh.

All the damn time.

To worsen it he was actually good at his job.

What makes me sick to my goddamn stomach is that all of this emotions that I feel. The jealously , the hate, the fear of loosing her. These are the same emotions I made her feel with Rebecca and yet, she asked me to dance with her today.

"Your mind is lost." Becca states.

I look down at her, her short brown hair and big round eyes. They just didn't do anything for me anymore.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little uneasy with Lorenzo dancing with renézmae."

Becca nodded and kept quiet for the rest of the dance but as soon as the the song ended she looked up at me. " thank you Alec, and I'm sorry."

She turned and quickly walked away towards her father.

I still felt sorry for the family, it didn't trump my anger towards them but it was there. They had the ability to have so much, but their likes were wrecked in the hurricane of The Bloom women.
Yet it's because of their decisions only.

"Son, you are silent but your eyes seem to be having a deep conversation." My mother's voice interrupts.

She quickly takes my hand and begins dancing the waltz, matching the steps of everyone in the room.

Looking over I see my dad whisking my Queen away from Lorenzo making me breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sorry mum, there is just a lot to think off, my minds a bit full."

"How are you and Renezmaé?"

"We are well." I smile, " I can't imagine living my life without her. Sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night to watch her sleep to prove to my conscious that she is actually here lying next to me."

"But ?" Mum carries on, I knew she always knew something was up.

"But I don't know how to show her how I feel. Other that, you know, boing." I whisper not knowing how to say this to my mother.

She laughs hard. She had to stop dancing to catch her breath before she leads me to the side of the dance floor.

"Oh my precious boy, you need to differentiate between love and lust. Love making is fine, but it can not be the only way to show your love. I can tell you what your father does for me but I feel like this conversation would be a bit to awkward for you, so you should ask you father hey."

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