Chapter One🤫🐍

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"Normal talking"

Harry's Pov

As I walk around the empty halls in Hogwarts in peace I hear people talking around the corner so I stay hidden around the corner wondering who is talking.

I hear Ron and Hermione so I decide to listen on them.

Ron's Pov

While standing in the empty halls with Hermione as we know everyone else is in class we just got back from Dumbledore's office annoyed we still got to hang around with Potter at least we get the money. I look at Hermione and say "We better hurry up before Potter wonders where we went." I has a disgust face on thinking about hanging out with Potter again. I see Hermione going to say something so I look at her giving my attention so she knows I'm listening.

She goes of "Ron I know we don't like it but we get the money just to report and to act like we care about Potter at least we get something from it form all the trouble and danger he puts us in." I look at her face as she look annoyed at thinging about all the trouble Potter has put us in, I sign and look around "We better go find Potter now or we will seem suspicious not being with the twat."

Harry's Pov

I heard everything ran to the girls bathroom in tears, I got to the sink  #Open# as the tunnel opens I wonder if there is stairs #Stairs#. I see stairs and go down it I watch the sink go back in place so it look like no one was even in the bathroom, I carry on walking down the stairs and walk more into the chamber see the dead  basilisk on the ground and I vanish it away I start cleaning all the bones around the place so it look nice and clean.

While I finsh cleaning around I look around to see if there is anything I haven't seen before and there was I see a door, I start to walk to the door and open it to see a nice bedroom.

While I finsh cleaning around I look around to see if there is anything I haven't seen before and there was I see a door, I start to walk to the door and open it to see a nice bedroom

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(A/N This doesn't belong to me credit to the owner)

As I walk into the bedroom in awe I hear someone say hello so I look at who said it and see it's Salazar Slytherin,

As I walk into the bedroom in awe I hear someone say hello so I look at who said it and see it's Salazar Slytherin,

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I didn't realise I changed speaking in parseltongue #HELLO#. It seems like I put him in a bit of a shock as he looked at me with wide eyes, I tilt my head a little making me look like a confused kitten. When Salazar Slytherin recovered he chuckle a little with a little smile and looks down at me #Hello hatchling#. I look at him in awe and giggle.

A/N:If I did any spelling mistakes please tell me! Also T.B.C

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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