Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: BrokenHearted::Karmin

"Girl!" Amy said. "You lying."

I laughed at her and closed my locker. "Nope."

"You kissed!" Amy yelled. I slapped my hand over her mouth and glared at the little girl. Amy ignored me and licked my hand.

"Ew." I whined.

"Well that's what you get." she giggled. "So... You guys are an item?"

I thought about it. After the kiss, and Lucas barging in, we didn't do it again. Marc carried everyone except Ronnie and Amy home. The goodbye was awkward. It was the kind of moment where we weren't sure if we should kiss or hug.

We settled for a wave.

I told Amy this and she thought with me. "Maybe he wanted to jump your bones so bad that he was so nervous." I snorted.

"Or he really doesn't like me."

"B*tch please!" Amy took up her school bag and waved. As she walked in the direction of the parking lot she called over her shoulder. "Have fun at practice." I winced thinking of Hilary, yeah, so much fun.

I turned in the opposite direction, towards the football field I stopped short at the sight of the devil.

"What do you want?" I glared. Lucas grinned and held his helmet up on his shoulder, one hand behind his back. He was wearing his football uniform with the number 5 on his jersey.

"You actually showing up for practice?" I raised my eyebrows. He gave me a once over also.

"Love the uniform. Thought you could only wear it for games." he smirked as he looked at my bare stomach. I put my duffel bag over myself cursed Hilary for the thousandth time. She convinced Coach that it would be easier to kick in our uniforms.

"I should thank her." he leered.

"Stop being a man whore." I snapped.

"Well if you weren't so damn fine I wouldn't have to be one would I? Lemme ask you, did you get to use those extra large."

"Boy, you know your not extra large," I laughed. Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"Whose to say I was thinking about you and me?"

He took a step forward and I took a step backward. He took another step forward and I took another one back. "Look I just want to ask a question."

"Well you could ask from over there." I pointed to where he stood.

He moved his hand from behind his back and grinned.

"What is that?" I asked.

Lucas squeezed the toy and it squeaked.

"What is that?" I repeated.

Lucas took my hand and stuffed the chew toy there. "This is my apology," he said.

"You gave me a chew toy." I said slowly. 

"A bone chew toy." he said excitedly. "You squeeze it and it freaking squeaks."

I slapped him with the bone, "What am I a dog?"

Lucas grinned and I narrowed his eyes, "Watch it."

He rolled his eyes and changed the subject. "What's with you and Marc? Are you guys together or what?"

"You remember?"

Lucas snorted, "No. But Marc told me this morning. Told me to stay away and all that jazz."

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