Once she was released, Miyamoto made her way towards her classroom. The anxiety in her stomach came back as she thought about how to approach them. Aizawa was no doubt angry with her because of the lack of care. Bakugo was probably shocked and angry too.

With a deep sigh, she stopped in front of the doorway, peeking inside to see Bakugo leaned against the windowsill and Aizawa leaned against the desk. 

Bakugo was the first to spot her. Because he had, Miyamoto shyly stepped into the room, looking down at her fingers. Before either of them could say anything, she dropped to her knees and bowed to them both.

"I'm sorry!"

Miyamoto lifted her head to Bakugo. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble earlier." Miyamoto knew she had a reason to apologize to him. So did Bakugo.  

She turned herself to face Aizawa. "I'm sorry I didn't take care of myself."

"Stand up, Miyamoto." Aizawa murmured. Miyamoto lifted her head to Aizawa; he didn't look as angry as she anticipated he would. Miyamoto slowly got to her feet, looking back and forth between the two.

Bakugo pushed off the wall, his eyebrows scrunched down as his lips curled, looming over her with his red eyes gleaming.

"Why didn't you eat or sleep? That was stupid! How could you have possibly thought that would've ended well? HUH?!"

Miyamoto shrunk down at his angry words. She looked away from his eyes; instead focusing on the lack of tie on his school uniform. Anything to not meet that piercing gaze.

"I...I wasn't..." Miyamoto's lip trembled and she squeezed her eyes shut. "I'm sorry!"

"Bakugo," Aizawa sighed. He had signaled for the hothead to step back, and Bakugo begrudgingly listened. "Miyamoto, look at me."

Miyamoto shamefully looked at Aizawa. "You have to take better care of yourself. We talked about this yesterday too; being a hero means looking at the bigger picture. That includes being able to sustain yourself. How could you possibly think about helping others if you can't take care of yourself?"

Her shoulders dropped, but she kept her gaze on her guardian, knowing he wasn't done with her lecture. In fact, he took in a deep breath, looking more irritated as time passed.

"The fact that I had told you to rest and you didn't listen...I know you were scared, but you should have had the rational to at least eat! Did you even get in your bed last night?"

That sounded more like the Aizawa she had expected. He was concerned and mad. Miyamoto frowned, knowing he called her out.


Aizawa huffed. "How do you expect to sleep if you don't even get in bed?"

"I-I just wanted to think everything through," Miyamoto explained. "And I...I didn't want to close my eyes."

The hidden meaning between those words weren't lost to Aizawa like they were to Bakugo. He had been observing the conversation between the two, seeing them interact like a father and daughter would more so than just a guardian. 

"I understand," Aizawa murmured. "And I wasn't there either, since I was in the hospital." 

Miyamoto nodded her head. When she got like that, Aizawa would usually sit in his sleeping bag in the doorway to talk to her until she calmed down enough to fall asleep. Miyamoto hadn't found anyone else who was able to quell the fear inside of her.

"Alright, fine," Aizawa conceded. "I understand what happened. I get how this episode hit. Just please, do me a favor and eat dinner tonight? And go to sleep early."

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