Part 1: Chapter 1; Rocky Start

Depuis le début

The butterfly girl could already tell something was wrong, it was practically written all over the man's stress-wrinkled face. "If you'd like, I can help you with whatever's wrong, Mister." She replied with a smile, "As a Hashira, it's my duty to help other humans such as yourself!"

In her thoughts, though, she was saying, For the love of the gods, if you're going to provide service to the corps, at least have everything ready by the time I get here, ugh....

The man finally caved in, however, saying with a defeated sigh, "Uhm, it's just that we've been housing Master Kari for a day or two now, and, well.....he's just a little difficult to manage for me and my wife, hehe...."

Shinobu rolled her eyes in her head. How can one man already cause me so many issues without even having met him yet?

"W-Well, as a colleague, I'm sure I can make him settle down for you and your wife." Shinobu sympathized, "Just lead me to him, I'm sure he's just anxious for my arrival, I may have been a little later than he was expecting!" She chuckled.

That's a full blown lie, I'm right on time, and if that man is pissed at me for not being early after a two week long trip, I'm going to rip his head open!

"T-Thank you, Lady Shinobu!"

As the two walked side-by-side, she learned some bits of information that the man managed to pick up.

She learned that his name was Sadao, his wife was Umiki, and that he had a teenage son named Isshin, who had enrolled in the Demon Slayer Corps, and was now a Kanoe, a mid-rank.

She learned that Sakusa had been acting incredibly cruel to them, demanding this and that from them and practically throwing the money required at them, and telling them that they should never, under any circumstance, enter his room past the hours of dusk. There were times where they could hear him training in the backyard, leaving behind ash marks and tearing up the soil with his breathing style.

"I had never seen something so terrifying," The man shakily said as he spoke of Sakusa's breath, "It was like watching a demon in my own courtyard!"

Hence the name 'Corps Demon', I see...

She had heard that name amongst the other Hashira previously, but didn't think much of it.

Before she knew it, she was standing in the hallway leading to the Rage Hashira's room.

So, the oh-so-elusive rAgE hAShiRa is behind that door, huh.....

"So, Sadao-oh?"

Shinobu glanced to her left to where she thought the man was, but he was no longer there, standing about four meters away from her with shaking legs and chattering teeth.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You just go on ahead, Lady Kocho." Sadao said with a nervous smile, "I-I'll just stay back here, where it's, hehe, y'"

The Insect Hashira shrugged, walking over to the door with a cheerful hum, calling out to the boy from the other side. "Kari-san~? Kari-san~? Hello~?" She said, knocking on the door, "I'm Shinobu Kocho, the backup you requested~!"

She waited a few seconds, but there was no reply.

"Helloooo~? Kari-san~?"

She turned to Sadao and asked, "Is Kari-san out somewhere?"

The man shook his head, saying, "He hasn't left since he had his lunch, we've heard him writing and sharpening his blades, but not much else."

"Oh, I see."

BUTTERFLY : SHINOBU KOCHO (PART ONE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant