I look around the room, and I don't miss the stern glares I'm getting; a few men clear their throats.

JP shifts me on his lap. "It's just a movie, baby." I look at him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well, on that note, I'm out. I'll go see what the rest of the men are up to." Santino says awkwardly. He gets up and heads out of the living room, and Joey walks in. They pat each other's shoulders as they brush by one another, and the rest of the men get up as well and walk out.

"What time does your night of terror begin with the little monsters?" Joey asks as he opens a beer can before taking a seat in the chair Santino recently vacated.

I look at my phone and see that it's 5:15. "Soon. Tobias said that he'd drop them off around 5:30."

"You sure, you don't want to go to the party tonight, JP? By the time it starts, the rugrats should be asleep by then, no?" Joey questions.

JP plays with my hair, running his fingers through it. "Yes, I'm sure." JP answers. Joey looks over at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, don't look at me." I hold my hands up in front of me. "I told him I was fine with him going," Knowing he thinks I'm the reason JP isn't going to a party Victoria is throwing for one of her friends.

JP knows I prefer if he doesn't go, but I can't give him crap for being jealous of Enzo if I do the same thing with Victoria. He didn't like that I was talking to Enzo about the gala and the gunman to find out if they were part of Cardinale's groups or Dante's group, and it caused one of our arguments during the last week.

Although, in my opinion, they are entirely different situations, I figure this was one of those "choose your battles" situations. I had told him it was his choice if he decided to go, that I trusted him because I do. It's her I don't trust.

My phone chimes, and I see it's Annalisa telling me she's pulling up. I notice Joey sits up alert when he hears her name as I tell JP she's arrived.

I walk towards the house's foyer when Tobias and Melanie walk in the front door with their kids, and Annalisa walks in behind them.

"Looks like I got here just in time," Annalisa says as she hugs me.

"Didn't think I'd see you so soon, sweet cheeks." Joey greets Annalisa.

Annalisa sighs as she looks at him. "Yeah, well, you just happen to live with my best friend, so it's not always avoidable, is it?"

"What does sweet cheeks mean, Joey?" Carmen asks him, innocently with her big, soft brown eyes looking up at him, waiting patiently.

"Yes, Joey, please explain what 'sweet cheeks' means to my seven-year old daughter." Tobias glares at Joey.

Joey shrugs and looks back at Carmen. "It means Annalisa has sweet—"

Melanie interrupts him from finishing. "I'll tell you tomorrow, sweetheart." She bends down to kiss Carmen's head.

"What? All I was gonna say is Annalisa has lovely cheeks, literally." He leans over and kisses her cheek. "They're hard to resist." Joey winks at her; Annalisa gives him a small smile and shakes her head in return.

Carmen turns to Tobias, her eyebrows drawn together. "Daddy, do I have sweet cheeks?"

I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing while Joey snorts and Tobias glares at him again.

I turn and hug Melanie complimenting her on the dress she's wearing." You look terrific, Mel."

"Thank you, girly." She winks at me, "Charmaine, I can't thank you enough for doing this. You are a sweetheart for taking on all three of the kids. Are you sure you're okay with them sleeping over?" Her face worried.

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