Chapter 20 : Kiss

Start from the beginning

Taehyung shuddered at his voice---which came out real deep, for voice as high as Jeongguk's. Nevertheless, trying to ignore his heart and failing miserably, he nodded pressing his lips together in nervousness. 

It was his first kiss---well, technically second. He already kissed Hoseok in that game as a penalty, which even made him laugh to this day.

Jeongguk's hands moved to the elder's neck from his shoulders, as Taehyung was leaning against the terrace wall, as he slowly wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's torso, pulling their bodies even closer.

Their lips brushed against each other in a swift motion, sending a rush of electricity in their body for a flash of a second. Taehyung's breath hitched suddenly, when he opened his eyes, shocked to see Jeongguk's lips up close.

It was pretty.

The maknae had his eyes closed, taking in the scent of the other lightly---both of them, desperately waiting for their lips to capture each other.




"Yoongi hyung, come fast!" Namjoon was in the top of the stairs, watching Yoongi come with a bag of snacks.

Interrupting them.


Taehyung just wanted to jump from the rooftop. Literally.

"Not again, shit," he heard Jeongguk curse under his breath, as the younger moved away from him, pretty much not having any other choice.

Taehyung closed his eyes, trying to calm down but... looking so done.

They were this close to kiss. This close.

"Oh, you're already here," the leader said, placing the boxes of food he carried on the small table placed in the middle.

"Yeah, we were talking," Taehyung said, going towards the elder.

"Exactly, talking," Jeongguk agreed, going towards Taehyung, putting his hand over his shoulders.

Taehyung's cheeks formed a slight shade of pink, at that.

"I'll go help Jiminie," he said hurriedly, before loosening himself from Jeongguk, hurrying downstairs.

Jeongguk smile secretly at that, wondering how much cuter he could get---before looking at Namjoon.

"What are you doing watching me? Help me set this," he said, pointing to the table and food.

"Yeah yeah," he agreed immediately, moving forward.


The moment Jeongguk grabbed on of the soju bottle, all the other hyungs turned to look at him with eagle eyes. But the younger didn't really mind it—he was busy trying to open the bottle.

And when he did, he let out a breath, hearing the hiss of the bottle, as he placed it on the table, looking above.

That was when he noticed that everyone was looking at him.

"What?" He asked, his doe eyes getting bigger.

"Don't drink," Namjoon said, "Last time you did, didn't end pretty."

"Hyung, that was different," the younger said, frowning—the last time he got waster, he was sad as hell, which is anything but that now, "Please, I'll drink less tonight."

Jin furrowed his eyebrows, looking at him sideways, before—

"Okay," he agreed, "But not more than two glasses okay?"

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