Chapter 5: Truth Or Dare

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Song: Krewella - Alive

Replay if you must.

Delirious' POV

It was 7:32pm, we all had to go home and grab our stuff, it took that long. As soon as we entered Evan's house, I instantly ran over to his stereo. I've been in his house so many times, I could close my eyes and get to my destination perfectly fine. Lui ran right up next to me and we started play fighting over which disc to put in. It wasn't a real fight, you could tell because we were both laughing our asses off. 

Marcel, Craig and David ran in the kitchen grabbing whatever snacks there was. Evan and Tyler made spots for us to sit in the living room, so we could watch movies and play games. When me and Lui finally decided we would leave it at a station and have random songs come on. Marcel, Craig and David came out with pops and all kinds of snacks. We all ran to our spots on the floor. I blushed under my mask when Evan sat next to me.

[Seating Setup In A Circle: Tyler —> Craig —> Marcel —> Lui —> David —> Evan —> Jonathan]

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Evan asked while taking a Pepsi can. Tyler smirked at everyone, "How about Truth or Dare?" I just sat there while everyone agreed. I didn't have a good feeling about this. Last time we did this, David and Marcel got into a fight because Marcel dared Lui to hit David on the head with a pan, lightly. This wasn't gonna end well.

'You never know.'

I felt my pants start to vibrate. Who is texting me? I pulled my phone and noticed it was Craig texting me? I looked up at him, he had his phone out just staring at it while everyone was arguing who goes first. I looked back at my phone and looked at the text.

Mini Ladd: Hey Delirious, Don't judge me but I was wondering if you could go first and ask me Truth or Dare? I'll pick dare and can you dare me... to kiss Tyler's cheek? I wanna see his reaction. >.<

I looked up again at Craig, his eyes were on me this time. I smiled under my mask and texted away.

H2ODelirious: Sure, bud. :)

"Jon, who are you texting?" Evan asked, I shook my head, "Don't worry about it. Can I go first?" Everyone's eyes turned to me, "You never wanna go first," Marcel began, "But go for it." I lifted up my mask so they could see my smirk. Everyone but Craig gave me a weird look. 

I turned to Craig and stared right at him, "Mini, truth or dare?" Craig 'fake' thought about it and shouted, "Dare!" I giggled and stared right at Tyler. "Mini, I dare you to kiss Tyler's cheek." Tyler's face flushed and he looked at Craig. Craig's cheeks were pink and he just stared at Tyler. Evan poked me and whispered in my ear, "Whoa dude, getting a bit dirty aren't we?" I giggled and nodded. Craig leaned in and kissed Tyler's cheek, Tyler just sat there has he felt Craigs lips hit his left cheek. Craig pulled back and stared at his lap. "That was cute." Lui said in his squeaker voice, I snickered.

"Your turn Mini." I said with a wink. He nodded and looked at David, "Truth or dare, Nogla?"

"Truth." David replied, he never did dares, neither did Lui. I could understand, I hardly did them either. I don't want anything bad happening to me. "Is it true that.. you have a crush on a guy?" David sighed and nodded slowly. We all gasped, expect Lui. We knew David was bisexual, but I didn't know he liked someone. "Marcel, truth or dare." David said looking right at Marcel who was stuffing his face with Cheetos. "Dare." He replied and put his bag down. David thought about it for a moment, "I dare you to text your mom saying you might sleep with a man tonight." Marcel was in fact straight, he even had a girlfriend. So this should be interesting.

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