chapter 3 Dream man!

Start from the beginning

We reached the venue on time

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We reached the venue on time. We were greeted by securities. They checked our name in guest list and lead our way to main venue hall.
As we reached the party hall, It was all shady, people dancing like maniac, sound of songs are soaring high. My heart was thumping. I saw Neel greeting his friends and joking around. Our eyes met, he smiled and came to us.

"Hi Jade, hey Neel".

"Hi beautiful", he called me beautiful.
"Hi Neel, congratulations". I outstretched my hands for a handshake. With no moment of wasting he lead his hand for a gentle handshake. Suddenly somebody captured me from behind and I lost my balance. My full weight is on Neel now. Neel embraced me in a hug. And I tried to stabilize myself. Oh god this is embarassing.

'Hey you ok"! He asked.

"Yes I think so, I am sorry" I held my ground steadily.
"Don't be sorry, I am not." And he winked.

I smiled and lightly pat on his hand.
I saw my friends gawking  smirking and winking.

"That was cute", Shrey said.
"You should not jump on me Shrey, especially from behind". I said sternly.
"Oh my angry bird it was an accident. I didn't intend to destabilize you. But I think it turned out to be good". She winked and all started laughing.
I couldn't take it anymore I left the place to look my other friends.

Party was going smoothly, I saw my friends enjoying themselves on dance numbers. They invited me but I guess I can't. I took a seat in corner, when Neel came to me.

"So how you are finding the party".
"It's nice". I replied
"I hope you aren't not uncomfortable".
"No not at all".
"Then why aren't you dancing?"
"Well I think I can't dance."
"Come dance with me. You will enjoy".

"I..i.i..i.. c.c.can't dance Neel. Thanks just join your friends they all waiting for you on dance floor. Don't bother about me I will be fine here".

He clenched his jaw and said
"I can't leave you here. You see all man out there, they are waiting for a chance. Once I leave you here they all will come here and ask you for the dance."

"And you think I will say yes to one of them.?"

"No you will not. I know. But I can't give them chance to initiate talk with you. They all are players Adhya. You are just too innocent for them. They all are asking about you the moment you enter this party."

I couldn't believe my ears . I am short of words. I want to reply but I have no appropriate words.

"Lets go we are going outside", he held my hands and lead my way to the another location of party hall.
My all friends already went There.

As we reached the next door, I saw its a pool side party. People were drinking and dancing. Sudden rush of discomfort hit my nervous system. I was froze to my spot. I saw Neel who was standing beside me was taken by a girl. He was recieving greetings of his colleagues.  I couldn't blame him why he left me , he doesn't know what I am feeling.

  I couldn't blame him why he left me , he doesn't know what I am feeling

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I saw my friends dancing with the partners. They were waving their hands in happiness. I was unaware about what's happening in my surrounding. It is just my mind is registering their actions ,But I myself is now unresponsive. I was Frozen on my spot. It looks so similar. After all those year I am witnessing similar situation. Suddenly a girl and a boy pushed into pool. All started laughing.

This is it, I can't take it anymore. My frozen stance suddenly changed to flight. I rushed to corridor., Without looking back I started running. I can hear someone is calling my name. I ran and came out of the venue. Sudden tug in my hand and I was pulled into hug. It was Jade.

"Adhya, Adhya What happened."! She was looking worried.

I was breathless and trying to register her face. It seems I was too nervous too recognise her.

"Adhya, say something, are you fine".
She asked me.

I started crying facing her, with an outburst I lost my balance and next I saw was darkness all around.

"Help" !!! the girl beside me screaming as I can hear her till I got unconscious.


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