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"Our people." Enzo said in a loud voice in front of their army of wolves "Our family and friends... we are thankful for your presence, today King Albert and I are asking for your help." He said in his loud voice.
"What the King and the Prince say is an order and we will answer it." One of the leaders said in his loud voice too.
Enzo gave him a proud look and nodded at him "We are going to get my sister, Princess Rose your Princess!" Enzo continued.
"Prince Alphonse is planning something and I know that she is not safe!" King Albert said, "But under any circumstances, I will get my daughter back." He said loudly.
"Yes sir!" The whole pack answered "We are not only related by our blood people! we are a big family, a family I will always be proud of." The King continued.
"I'm blessed to have every single one of you, a wolf or a human!" he paused "You are family to us," Enzo said.
"Long live the Prince." They shouted, "Long live the King!" Those sentences were repeated over and over until their journey begin.
King Albert always know how much his people love their Prince Lorenzo but today they are approving it.

The sun was about to rise when the pack starts to turn into their wolf's forms and the humans start riding their horses.
"Father?" Enzo saw his father moving with his entourage and the guards in another direction.
"Son, I want you to get your sister and make sure she is safe I can count on you." King Albert said.
"But what about you?" Enzo asked, "I have a plan son, I need you to trust me and get your sister away from Prince Alphonse." Enzo nodded at his father after he wished him luck and started moving towards Calais.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Patrick shouted he saw his father's friend Adam in their doorway!
"I came to talk to your father kid, I heard that Aurora is back." Patrick went so mad, he grabbed him and beat him to the ground.
"What are you doing?" Adam shouted, "The man you are calling my father is not here anymore, and if you ever pronounce my sister's name again it will be the end of you." Patrick beat him down so hard he stopped counting how many wounds Adam had on his face by now.
"Patrick? Stop!" Aiden saw him on the top of Adam with blood everywhere "Now go and never come back here again!" Patrick shouted.
"What is going on?" Cillian and Aurora came too, they were in the town to buy some goods.
Aurora looked at the man and she recognized him "Is that?" She mumbled and Cillian nodded "What the hell is he doing here?" Cillian asked angrily.

"I will let you pay for this." Adam shouted too "Shut up and go right now!" Patrick almost attacked him again but Aiden stopped in his way.
"Stop it, Patrick, he will leave." Adam went up on his knees and start looking in Aurora's direction with a filthy smile on his face.
"What are you looking at?" Aurora asked as she starts moving behind her brother Cillian.
Cillian took a step towards "If you want to get out of here alive" he paused "leave now!" Cillian said for one last time.

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