chapter one again🙄

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Obamas p.o.v

I quickly got out of bed and had moldy toast with poo on it, it tastes good o.o
I quickly got dressed and ran to school then I suddenly bumped into someone
I quickly got up and offered a hand he politely offered and stood up "hey ur cute want some fuc after school;)))" I blushed 11037 shades of red "uhh sure nya UwU" "okay wanna walk to school" shrek asked i took his hand we ran to school we also picked up some children to eat for later😼
After school~~~~~~~~

We walked to shreks house we also ate the children we picked up this morning they where good :)

To be continued 😼

Aurthor notes:
Sorry that this was short I made this at 1:16 am ;_;
Anyways the next part is where the lemon is so you guy better be excited for that if you don't feel comfortable with lemon stuff then I suggest that you skip chapter two
Thats all for the Author note
Bye bye ^.^

178 words

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