Chapter 14.2

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Chapter 14.2

"Well, about time you got off the phone," whined Alan. He had a labored look on his face. "We need your help setting up for tonight's wonderful activity."

Nathan scanned the room. "What is he talking about?"

Lafonda stopped setting up chairs and laughed. She wiped the sweat from her brow and placed her hair into a ponytail. "Whew!" she said. "My grandmother is showing a video here tonight, and she asked us to help set up more chairs and tables."

"Oh, okay," said Nathan. He paused to look around the lounge again. "But why?"

Lafonda shook her head. "Seriously, Nathan," she said, "you need more friends. You're starting to sound like Jonas."

Alan let out a big laugh.

Lafonda rested her hands on her hips. "Because of the rain, we are going to watch a video my grandmother wants us to see," she said. "She said the video has something to do with inspiring leadership."

Alan laughed. "Didn't you notice that it's still raining outside?" he asked. "I mean, it's been raining practically all week. Did you honestly think we were still going to have a bonfire with all this rain?"

Angela gave Alan a mean look. "Knock it off, Alan," she said. "I wish you would stop putting on your grumpy pants whenever you actually have to do work."

Alan looked down at his pants and dusted them off with his hands. "That's just it," he complained. "I didn't know that LaDonda would volunteer us to set up these grungy chairs today!"   

"Why not?" asked Nathan in a playful tone. "It's been raining practically all day. Didn't you know not to wear your nice pants today?"

Alan rolled his eyes, and his upper lip curled. "Ha-ha. Funny."

Angela laughed.

Nathan turned around to look at Lafonda. "I figured because of the rain we weren't going to be outside today," he said. He spoke louder so that Alan could hear him. "I just didn't know what we would be doing instead!"

Alan looked at Nathan briefly, but turned his attention back to his pants. "Ugh! Look, Angela!" he grumbled. "This black smudge mark is not coming off. I am going to the bathroom to try to wipe this off!"

"Wait!" said Angela. "Shouldn't you wait until we are done setting up? What if you get more spots on your pants?"

"If I get one more smudge on my pants," he protested, "I am going upstairs and you can just tell LaDonda I got sick!"

Nathan shook his head as Alan trotted off to the men's bathroom. "So, where do you want me?" he asked. "What do you want me to do?"

Lafonda stood up again and pointed to where Christina, Eva Marie and Samantha were setting up chairs. "Can you help them?" she asked. She squinted and then scratched her head. "And I don't know what Jonas is doing over there by himself."

Nathan nodded. "Okay, I'll see if I can help the girls." He stopped mid-walk and grinned. "And I'll check on Jonas."

Nathan approached Christina, Eva Marie and Samantha from behind and paused. He figured by the tone of their voices and by the look on their faces, it probably was best not to interrupt their conversation.

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