TPWIL [Lie Short Series #1]

54 1 7

'GMMTV Royal Couples Grand Reunion Night'

"Finally, after 5 years." Off whispered and plastered a big smile after reading the classy banner at the end of the red carpet he's stepping on. He just arrived at the venue and paparazzis kept clashing on each other's camera, battling to get the best shot of the handsome actor.

He waved elegantly while staying still at his postion before turning to the limousine at his back. He slowly opened the car door and there goes Gun, splendidly coming out of the black limo.

Lights of camera as they shutter made their mixed green and black-colored couple trouser shine brighter in the venue. They started walking on the red carpet as they cling on each other heading towards the banner with the back draft of GMMTV and their sponsors. They started to pose for pictures as they arrived, with Off  putting his right hand around Gun's waist and shoulder simultaneously.

After posing for pictures, they headed to the side of the back draft where news insiders are waiting for them as well as how they wait for other GMMTV Royal Couples.

"It's been five years since you both decided to retire as actors, how's your relationship now?" an insider asked them.

"Uhm we're---" Gun was about to answer but was interrupted by Off.

"We're both good, doing fine like before. Yes, nothing has changed. We're still clingy towards each other. You know, the on and off cam things." he half jokingly answered and chuckled a bit. Gun nodded as a response.

"Your fans are surely happy seeing you togethter on public television again. And knowing that you two are still clingy towards each other, why don't you just confirm your relationship status." the insider joked as well causing them to laugh, awkwardly.

"Do you have to show off again?" Gun asked Off when their interview was finally over and they're currently sitting on the table reserved for them.

"I'm not. That's what I want for us to be. I want us to be like that again." Off sighed saying his intentions to Gun.

"P' Off..." Gun looked at him.

"Hey Gun, can you call me Papii again. Atleast just for tonight. This whole night, call me Papii. Like before. Please." Off pleaded looking back at Gun.

Gun sighed and made a straight expression, "Off, don't you remeber what you've told me five years ago before we retire as actors? You told me unhesitatingly that you're not happy working with me. That you're embarrassed everytime I cling unto you even if it's for our fanservice. And you tell me that you want to live a normal life as a man but it's imposible because of me, because of our ship." He gasped trying not to let his voice crack.

He then continued, "Don't you remember how those words coming from the man I adore and considered as mine hurts so bad? I tried hard fixing myself because of how you rejected me after I confessed my sincere feelings towards you. And now, after five fucking years, you're telling me that you want us to be like those days again? Fuck you. I loved you before. But don't let your emotions got mixed up because what we're doing tonight is for the sake of this fucking event." told by Gun teary-eyed, concealing his feelings knowing that there are many eyes watching them.

"Gun, hear me out." Off started. "You see, that's THE PART WHERE I LIED." he pause to hold Gun's hands making Gun more awkward but can not do anything so that it won't destroy their image--- as a couple.

Off continued, "I lied about all the things I have told you. But the worst part where i lied, is about my happiness. You've always been my happiness, Gun. Since then, until now, you're my happiness. 5 years ago, I lied because I was a coward. I'm afraid that one day you'll leave me. I rejected you not because I don't like you, but it's because I love you. I'm always afraid having this thought of you leaving me..."

"So you're the one who leave?" Gun, with his straight face expression asked Off.

"I'm sorry, Gun." Off apologized holding back his tears. "I'm a fool, for leaving you. For telling you those hurtful words, and for hurting you. But please, give me another chance. Until now, I can't get you out of my head. I want to prove myself to you. I love you, Gun---"

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" Off was interrupted when a familiar voice spoke on the microphone causing everyone to put their attention to him. "I'm glad that we're all gathered here at this special event." It's Tay Tawan smiling as everyone applauds. Off didn't let go of Gun's hand even when he wanted to clap.

"This is a special night for all of you here, especially us. Because I'm about to publicly announce and introduce you my boyfriend." the audience all wow'ed in shocked and excitement

"New is so lucky having Tay beside him." Off murmured as he caressed Gun's hand.

"Clearly, you don't know anything about them anymore." Gun told firmly as he stopped Off from caressing his hands.

"To my bestfriend New, I know you're happy with your wife now, but you're with us here, celebrating this Grand Reunion of Royal Couples." Tay continued.

Off was shocked hearing what Tay said then he looked at Gun again. "So New settled for good." he sighed heavily before continuing, "Gun, I wanna settle with you, too. Can you give me a chance?" He desperately want Gun back but he got no reaction from him.

Before Off got a chance to speak again, Tay continued what he's saying over the mic. " To my loving boyfriend, to my happiness, to my world. I want everyone to witness, even the public, how much you mean to me." Tay started walking towards Off and Gun which brings so much confusion to Off.

Tay got a small box out of his pocket as he arrived at OffGun's table before saying the words that will be remembered by Off, forever.

"Marry me, Gun Atthaphan."

Off was in deep shock and didn't know what to say. It feels like suddenly, he's invisible to them. Gun removed Off's hand from holding his hands and gave him a one last sweet smile indicating that the thing between him and Off were all in the past. Gun stood up and faced Tay before speaking,

"Yes Tay, I'll marry you." The crowd all cheered, aside from Off.

He smiled bitterly while letting all his tears flow through his cheeks, realizing the fact that his cowardness and lies drove his happiness away, forever.

He then whispered...

"I should be happy, knowing that my happiness found his own happiness...

...but why does it hurt so bad?"


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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The Part Where I LiedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ