"I agree with Sooyoung unnie. He looked whipped for you" Yeri added

"He really whipped and stubborn at the same time"

"I guess his attitude when he is with you is different with when he is working" said Wendy

Irene nods shortly "He change 180 degree when he is outside of office. No one will believe he is CEO Kang if they in my position"

"If he is not our CEO, we might think that he is not a serious person after we saw him at the plane before" Yeri said make her unnie laugh lightly

Seulgi arrived at Red Velvet dorm with his new Audi. He wearing plain dark blue t-shirt and blue shorts also wearing shades. 

He press doorbell then lean at the wall waiting for the door to open

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He press doorbell then lean at the wall waiting for the door to open. Irene opening the door with bright smile

"Hello!" she greeted cheerfully

"Hello darling" Seulgi puckered his lips asking for kiss but rejected by Irene

"Not now Mr. Kang"

Seulgi end up pouting "Okay" he took Irene hand then put car key on her palm

"What is this?" Irene confusedly looking at the key

"You drive" Seulgi stated then leave to his car and enter passenger seat

Irene stomp her feet but still enter driver side. Seulgi smile goofily while Irene glare at him

"Yah, why do you ask me to drive?" Irene retort

"You can drive, right?"


"I want to sleep so you drive for us" Seulgi answer innocently

Irene hissed "What time do you sleep last night?"

"2 AM I guess" Seulgi tapping his chin

Irene pinch Seulgi nose "I told you don't sleep too late" she gritted her teeth

Seulgi whining holding his redden nose "I don't know that you have plan today that's why I sleep late. You don't want to die in accident, don't you?"

"What are you going to do now?"

"I want to sleep" Seulgi adjust his seat

Irene give in and start the car "Okay" she drive away from her dorm. It feel awkward since it has been a while she drive but she calmly driving to make sure they arrive safe and sound. Seulgi already sleeping soundly beside her. Soft snore escape from him make Irene acknowledge her boyfriend really sleepy and tired because yesterday his schedule is pack

They arrived in front of the spa. Irene tapping Seulgi arm to wake him up. He stirred up from his sleep without trouble

"We arrived?" he asked groggily and rubbing his eyes

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