Season 1, Chapter 8: The Tyburs'

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???: Y/N! How are you today?

Y/N: What? These memories...

Y/N: I'm fine.

???: Did Dad scold you again?

Y/N: Maybe.

???: What now?

Y/N: You don't need to know, brother.

???: Come on now, I'm older than you.

Y/N: By 2 minutes, B/N.

B/N: I'm still older.

Y/N: Shut up.

Y/N put an arm wrap around his shoulder, with a star.

B/N: I still can't believe we have to deal with that.

Y/N: Damn, Marleyans, treating us like scum, devils of the earth.

B/N: It's those Paradise devils.

Y/N: Say what now?

B/N: I heard Dad say that the cause of the Marleyans hating us is because of the Eldians at Paradis.

Y/N: The Fritz family?

B/N: Shush! It's Reiss now!

Y/N: Oh, sorry.

B/N: Where are you going, anyway?

Y/N: Shopping for the Tyburs'.

B/N: I still can't believe we live here.

Y/N: Yeah.

Y/N: Life, Death, Life, Death

A/N: Underlined words in memories are thoughts.

Y/N had these thoughts in mind while in the grocery store.

Y/N: Is there an actual purpose?

Marleyan #1: Ew, look at that Eldian.

Marleyan #2: It's the Tyburs' Eldian, you idiot!

Marleyan #1: Oh, crap, I didn't know!

Marleyan #2: Baka.

Y/N put the weekly groceries on the counter.

Shop Attendant: Ah Y/N, how is it going?

Y/N: Fine, I guess.

Shop Attendant: Send thanks to the Tyburs' for me!

Yelled the Shop Attendant as Y/N walked out of the store.

As Y/N came to the Tyburs', he saw a wagon, the police wagon.

Y/N: What? Why would they be here?

Sir Tybur: As I said, send him to Paradise!

Y/N sees B/N bruised and bleeding.

Y/N: What's going on?

Sir Tybur: Ah, Y/N, my best servant, have you come with the groceries?

Y/N: Yes, Sir Tybur.

Y/N had his eyes fixated on B/N, who is dragged to the wagon.

Y/N: What did he do?

Sir Tybur: Damn that Eldian kid! Disobeying his superior like that, pitiful, I'd say!

Y/N: Um, Dad?

D/N: Not now, son; I'm busy.

D/N was wiping something out of his eyes but continued being a servant.

Y/N: Don't tell me that...

???: Yo, Y/N, how's it been?

Y/N: Sorry, I need to think of something, Willy.

Willy: Oh, ok.

Y/N: Is my brother going to Paradise?

Willy: Yep, idiot decided to drop wine on a white tuxedo, and he did it on purpose.

Y/N: No, my brother isn't like that; it must've been an accident.

Willy: It's almost time.

Y/N: Time for what?

Willy: My sister. She will be the next War Hammer Titan.

The memory quickly faded away, snapping the present Y/N back to reality.

Y/N: The hell was that?

Annie: The hell was what?

Y/N: Annie? But where are we?

Annie: In the forest.

Y/N: But where's the Female Titan? I was fighting it earlier.

Annie looked to the ground but responded calmly.

Annie: It's gone, for now.

Y/N: Why are you here?

Annie: Stay here.

Y/N: Wait.

Annie: I said, stay here.

Annie leaves with ODM gear.

To Be Continued...

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