Part 14

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Piers PoV 


 seriously, there really can't be peace here at least for a while, a while ago I heard a clatter of a container, it was like a grenade exploded there, I got up I put on my military uniform and helmet, I went straight to the kitchen where the sound came from, I saw Natani standing in the middle of the ruined kitchen, right after Kat came 

Kat: (in Keidran) Natani! I heard the crash, it's all - What did you do ?! 

Piers: what happened? 

 Natani: (in Keidran) What -? Me?! I did not do anything! It was her ideal - where - where did she go ?! She was right here! 

Piears: who?

Mike and Evals soon joined in the incident Mike: Hey, we heard an accident! Wha - woah! Mike: Natani broke the kitchen! 

 Evals: All right! Keep going, Natani! Fight that power! and then Eric finally came and carried a book 

Eric: Hey, what the hell is going on here ?! 


 Evals: It was him. Evals pointed at me 

 Piers: what? 

 Natani: (in Keidran) It wasn't Piers, it was! And that's not important now! 

 Eric: GASP! 

Eric: That vest! it looks like Eric didn't care what happened to the kitchen but what Natani is wearing, weird until now I noticed what she had in person, quite nice 

 Eric: (in Keidran) That's my material! You stole it! Take it off now! Eric started poking at Natani, which made Natani quite upset 

 Natani: (in Keidran) I didn't steal anything! And if you touch me again, I'll break your arm and beat you to death! 

 fortunately, Kat stepped in and stopped Eric to get away from Natani 

 Kat: Leave him alone, Eric! I gave it to him! 

 Eric: What did you do ?!

Eric: Kat! How could you?! You have no idea what the material was worth! 

I have a feeling that Kat has somehow changed, she is no longer such a gentle and innocent soul 

 Kat: I knew exactly how much the material cost, Eric! I'm not as stupid as you might think if you bothered to notice! Eric was quite surprised by Kat's behavior 

Eric: What ?! 

 Kat: So if you're going to yell at someone, it should be me! 

 Kat: But after all, what's yours is mine, isn't it, brother? 

 Eric: That doesn't excuse you for taking my things without asking me! What got into you, Kat? We'll have to talk about that later. 

 Eric: But right now ... 

Eric seems to have somehow needed to vent his anger and decided to vent her to Nathan 

 Eric: (in Keidran) Listen, wolf! I'm the captain of this ship and I don't appreciate being threatened! Kat didn't give these clothes now, so you'll either pay for the damage or hand them over! 

 the last to come was Flora 

 Flora: Hi! 

 Flora: What's with the scream, guys? Is something wrong? 

 she had her pajamas off, so now everyone could see her pregnant belly 

 Flora: What?

Eric: Wait! Floro, are you? 

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