"I'll make a start on breakfast," I said, standing up,
"Thank you dear, pans are in the bottom left cupboard," Mrs Weasley said.

I surveyed the kitchen, opening cabinets in search of ideas. My gaze rested on a large bag of self-raising flour. Pancakes....

Grabbing the necessities I mentally calculated the amount of ingredients I'd need. I usually made enough for Pansy and I, I'd need at least five times the amount.

Luckily Molly was used to feeding hoards so she had ingredients in bulk and huge mixing bowls.

I started measuring and sifting flour and sugar into a bowl the size of a large hubcap.

Milk, eggs and vanilla extract followed into the bowl. There were no electric mixers in a wizard household so I grabbed a whisk and starting mixing.

My arm ached after a while, but I was intent on getting perfect batter.

"Look at my little chef," Fred's morning voice drawled from the stairs.
"Morning sleepy," I replied, still mixing.
"You're a very tidy chef," he remarked wrapping his arms around my waist,

Before I could move he'd grabbed a handful of flour and sprinkled it in my hair.

"Oi!" I grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at him, causing a white cloud to billow around the kitchen. "If you're not going to be helpful then leave," I laughed as he shook flour from his hair.

"How may I be of service milady," he said giving me a flour-y kiss.

"Mix this whilst I heat up the frying pan," I directed, grabbing a pancake sized pan from the cupboard.

I lit the stove with the long box of matched and placed butter in the pan.

Fred handed me the batter and I began ladling and flipping the mixture.

20 mins later I had a stack of pancakes to rival the Eiffel Tower.

Almost everyone had made their way downstairs by now, George was the only one missing.

After Bill laid the table and Charlie had fetched condiments we tucked it, the majority of our party still hungover.

"This is really good," Ron exclaimed, stuffing his mouth with as much pancake as he could fit.
"Thank you," I replied.

We had almost finished when someone knocked on the door. We all looked at each other in confusion .

"Did anyone invite anyone else?" Mrs Weasley asked before hurrying to the door.

She opened the door, allowing a gust of icy wind to skitter through the kitchen.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I brought a Christmas present for Freddie,"

I would recognise that voice anywhere and my blood boiled.

"How nice of you, please come in from the cold," Mrs Weasley said, ushering Angelina Johnson into the Burrow.

I locked eyes with George, a grim expression on his face.

"Fred there's someone here for you," Mrs Weasley said, "why don't you two go into the living room whilst I clean up,"

Fred got up slowly, kissing my head reassuringly before walking into the living room, flour still scattered lightly

Mrs Weasley and Fleur cleared the table as I got to my feet and walked over the George, who stood by the doorway to the living room.

"What is she doing here?" I hissed, looking at him.
"No idea, but it cannot be good," he replied,

I heard Angelina giggling from the living room,
"This whole thing is making me uneasy," I murmured, as George placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

Much more than dragon fireworks (Fred Weasley)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora