“It’s concealed,” she whispered. “Both of them.”

“And the scars?” he asked.

“Same,” she assured him. “It’s not like I can walk in public and look like the side of my throat has been ripped to shreds…”

“It was ripped to shreds,” he murmured. Georgianna knew there was another question coming; a big question that she didn’t feel all that comfortable to answer. Yaxley didn’t disappoint her.

“How did you survive?”

“Could we skip that question?” she looked at him pleadingly but his gaze hardened, giving her a definite ‘no’ for an answer without as much as even opening his mouth.

“I was found by a group of people who like to experiment with magic and potions that aren’t generally accepted by the Ministry. Not Dark Magic just… different.”

“And they had a cure?” The amazement swept widely across his face.

“There’s no cure,” she whispered back and closed her eyes. Before he could ask any more questions she decided to spit out the rest of the truth.

“I take drugs – heavy drugs – that prevent both toxins from interacting or make too many pervasive changes to my metabolism. But they’re still there.”

“And if you don’t take them?” he asked softly, kissing the outline of her jaw.

“I think the answer is obvious,” she answered grimly and looked at him. “I die.”


Unbeknownst to Georgianna, the announcement of her becoming the new Mrs. Yaxley was circulating the office of Wizarding Family and Marital Law with gasps of surprise as early as eight o’clock in the morning. The staff spread the news quickly: soon it became the main source of gossip in the Ministry. When it came to the members of the Order of the Phoenix that worked in the Ministry, Arthur Weasley was the first one to find out. He recognized the name of Lorrelaine Kendrick. He knew she was an assassin of You-Know-Who, he’s heard tireless worried laments from Molly last fall when it was known Kendrick is heading to Egypt and Bill was in danger. He excused himself from his colleague, Perkins, and made up an errand to run to the Aurors’ office. If anything the gossip said was the truth, Yaxley wouldn’t be at work anyway. He would be enjoying the company of his young wife somewhere where no reporter could reach them. He took the elevator to the second level and turned into the nearest hallway, arriving to a rather shabby looking door and knocked. A young secretary opened the door, letting the new magical bubblegum Arthur recognized from the Twins’ joke shop burst into his face.

“What’s it gonna be love?” said the girl without any concern for Arthur who was trying to wipe pieces of gum of his face.

“I need to speak to either Kingsley Shacklebolt or Alastor Moody,” he spat out as nicely as possible. Another young woman with hair of a neon pink shade popped her face into the door:

“Kingsley is in my office… what in the name of Merlin’s saggy bottom happened to you Arthur?”

“Ask your secretary,” he spat out and raced to the office labeled as ‘The Lair of Amazing Tonks’ and busted in. Kingsley looked up in shock, taking in Arthur’s appearance.

“This seems to be super important if you didn’t snap that bitch of a secretary in half for that,” whispered the Auror calmly. Arthur nodded:

“There is a rumor across the Ministry that in the early hours of the morning, Dominic Yaxley remarried. He pushed his paperwork through the office of the Marital Law extremely fast; matter of days in fact.”

Last Witness: Entrapped (Snape Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now