Fuck AmazingLucas stupidity

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Lucas is fucking full of shit

Lucas is fucking full of shit

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1) no one is comparing to BLM you fucking idiot, they are pointing out hypocrites saying this was terrorism and the fucking riots of 2020 were mostly peaceful

2) based on lie!? Fuckinh really!? Isn't that the case with most of the George Floyd video? Not gonna mention thst are ya?

3) Republican party is done, trump supporters will never likely vote Republican again

And his comment section is even better

Never got the chance to provide evidence dumb boot licker

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Never got the chance to provide evidence dumb boot licker

Only 1 person was comfirmed dead other 3 are rumors or lies, no one brought fucking zip ties, spreading fucking lies as long as Lucas agrees with it, BLM/Antifa tried this shit abd worse just 6 fucking months ago in D

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Only 1 person was comfirmed dead other 3 are rumors or lies, no one brought fucking zip ties, spreading fucking lies as long as Lucas agrees with it, BLM/Antifa tried this shit abd worse just 6 fucking months ago in D.C. eveb resulted in a old church almost burning to the ground

Fuck Lucas, picks and chooses is what he does now, fuck him

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