Season 1, Chapter 6: Military Tribunal

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A/N: So I just wanted to say, damn. Hah, I never expected this story to blow up like my Naruto book. Thank you all who have supported me in Chapter 1-5 and dropping comments; it motivates me to make more AOT content. If you guys want to recommend any new books for different anime, make sure to message me through a conversation, and I'll have a 95 percent chance to pick it up straight away. Also, I love this opening.

Levi: Ok, Eren.

Eren is in a prison where he sees Captain Levi, Commander Erwin, and brand new Lieutenant Y/N of the Scout Regiment.

Levi: We want to ask you some questions.

Eren: Sure.

Eren notices his key is gone.

Eren: Wait where-

Erwin: Looking for this?

Erwin holds a yellow key.

Eren: What?

Y/N: Eren, you know what that is?

Eren: Yeah, it's Dad's key.

Y/N: You know where it belongs to?

Eren gasps.

Eren: Dad, what are you doing?

Grisha: You need this power; use it to protect them!

Eren: Protect who? I don't understand!

Grisha injects a vial inside Eren's neck.

Grisha: Protect humanity! Protect Y/N! Protect Armin! Protect Mikasa! Use this power to save humanity! Go to the basement in Shinganshina!

Eren: Wait! that key, it holds the secret to the Titans!

Erwin gets a gasp, a gasp of both relief and hope.

Y/N: You ok, commander?

Erwin: Yes, perfectly fine, Y/N.

Levi: Erwin is happy.

Erwin: Anyways, you have a military tribunal today, so we should get you out of there.

The Military Police and the Scout Regiment escorted Eren to the tribunal, where many people arrived, both soldiers, merchants, and ordinary citizens. The Wall Cult, the religion that worships the walls as gods, were also there to give their opinion. Darius Zackly was there to decide Eren's fate to serve as a military asset or be executed.

Darius: State your cases, Scout Regiment.

Y/N was the representative.

Y/N gives a Sasageyo salute.

Y/N: I am Lieutenant Y/N L/N of the Scout Regiment. I believe we can use Eren's titan power to support the Scout Regiment; we can use it to take back Wall Maria and replenish our ranching supply and farmland. This will help us regain land that was once ours!

Darius started to change his opinion of killing Eren Yeager.

???: Shut up!

Y/N is taken back by the words of the Wall Cult.

???: I am Pastor Nick of the Wall Religion!

Y/N: (murmuring) Cult, but whatever.

Nick: Witness reports say you were also a Titan when Eren Jeager went berserk! Why should we trust you if you are a Titan as well! We don't know if you are trying to protect your fellow Titan!

"Yeah's" filled the air as soldiers nodded to the favor of Pastor Nick.

Nick: I say we kill Eren Jeager right where he stands!

Y/N: Shut Up!

Nick: What did you say?!

Y/N: I thought your "religion" valued human lives, so just because he's an enemy in your eyes means that he deserves to die? Forget about the present; think about the future! The world beyond the walls! Eren Jeager can be the path to humanity's victory against those damn titans!

Nick is taken back by Y/N's words.

Nick: tch.

Armin: I didn't know Y/N was this powerful with words.

Mikasa was astounded by Y/N's rebuttal against the Wall Cult.

???: Anyways, I am Nile Dawk of the Military Police. I propose we execute Eren.

Y/N: You little...

Levi felt Y/N's anger.

Levi: Stand down, Lieutenant.

Nile: Eren Jeager is a violent force of nature; his arrogant temper, as shown by his Cadet years, demonstrated that he has a very unusual way of handling things; in the battle of Trost, witnesses say that he charged after an enemy Titan after it had killed a comrade, that resulted in the remaining cadets to be killed by surrounded by Titans. He is a reckless human being, and thus, cannot control his temper.

Eren: Why are you so afraid?!

Nile: What?

Eren: I bet you haven't even seen a Titan; the overwhelming presence shakes you to the core! So why!

Eren: I should shut up, no, I say everything here and now!

Eren: So allow me to shoulder it all!

Soldier #1: Hey! Shoot him!

Soldier #2: Uh, alright!

Soldier #2 aims a rifle at Eren's head from a distance.

Eren: Gah!

Levi: Damn brat.

Levi beats Eren to a pulp, knocking out his tooth.

Mikasa gasps and growls as she tries to go after Levi.

Armin: Mikasa. Wait!

Y/N: What the hell?

Eren: Ugh! Gah! 

Soldier #1: Levi! What if he turns into a Titan?

Levi: He won't (lands another kick).

Levi pulls Eren's hair.

Levi: Didn't you want to dissect, kill him where he stood?

Levi: I believe Y/N's words, the trust he has for Eren is not an eyesore.

Levi looks at Pastor Nick.

Levi: And how dare you try to mention Y/N's fact that's he's a Titan; it's idiotic.

Nick starts to tremble.

Levi: He is looking out for his comrade; can't you accept it?

Levi kicks Eren one more time.

After Levi and Y/N's words, Darius decided to spare Eren's life and spared Y/N's as well; if he had chosen to execute Eren, Y/N would have been forced to die. The 57th expedition outside the walls to retake Wall Maria was about to begin, but Y/N and Eren would die if they failed.

End of Chapter

A/N: DAYUM! I'm on a roll!

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