Chapter Thirteen

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I loved Val, this was so sudden but I knew I couldn't risk losing him. We never know the cards we may be dealt out here. I wanted to be with him forever, so of course I said yes through my tears. Val smiled and placed the ring on my finger. I once again started to admire how beautiful it was.

Once I calmed down I asked Val about it. "What made you choose this? It's absolutely beautiful!"

"It was the most expensive and beautiful ring there. So I figured I had to get it for you." Val explained. "Usually rings aren't a thing out here. Marriage ceremonies aren't even common! So technically when we get engaged, or during a special moment, we tell each other our real names. People out here don't say those 'famous' last words. 'Till death do us part' or whatever. That's not a thing out here."

"Wow, for someone who's never had someone to love, you sure know how to make someone happy." I said.

"Well you deserve the very best sweetheart." Val replied.

"True, but so back to the real name thing... What can I call you? Hmm Val, that sounds like your real name honestly." I asked.

Val blushed a little, "You're so smart my god, and you're right. My full name is... Valentine."

"Holy- That's beautiful Val I-" I tried to say. It was amazing to me because I've never heard of such a beautiful and unique first name.

Val smiled but then took my hand in his, "What about you sweetheart?"

"It's such a basic name but my real name is..."

"Val." We were interrupted by Vinyl.

"Vinyl, this is a very important moment. Why are you back here? You knew what I was up to." Val asked, clearly irritated.

Vinyl shook his head, "Yeah well, that's WHY I'm here. I won't let her go on without knowing everything Val. You're not that person anymore and I understand that, but you can't keep avoiding this subject forever and you SAID that ring wouldn't go on her ringer unless she knew the truth."

I saw the shift in Val's body language and that's when I understood something else was really going on. I became stressed not understanding who I just said yes to. I didn't question it before, but I did then at that moment. By this point everyone was gathered at the back. They heard the commotion and wanted a front row seat.

"Val what is he talking about?" Vaya asked.

Val snapped, "Twins it's none of your..."

Vinyl threw up his hands, "OH SO THEY DON'T KNOW EITHER? Honestly I would've thought Volume would've told them but apparently not."

"Vinyl please don't..." Val begged.

"Then you do it Val. I've had enough of you hiding shit from her. I was stupid for thinking you should tell her on your own. You probably never would've. I may be one to never get into it with any of you, but this has gone on long enough." Vinyl exclaimed.

I was worried at this point and looked to Volume for help but he only mouthed the words "I'm sorry."

"Hey, listen we need to talk..." Val said.

I was now confused and concerned. Scared for what was coming. The truth was, nothing could prepare me for it.

Val, "What's going on?"

"Well you see..." Val tried to say but went silent after. He couldn't find the words.

The twins, now realizing this was serious, walked over. They looked at each other and then to me. Val tried to say the words once more but failed. He couldn't bring himself to say what he needed to. Val finally tried one more time before silently crying.

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