Unexpected Event

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  Mary brought out their food and saw Dean and Cas in the canapé, she put their food on the blanket and closed the little door. She went back inside, "Dean what is all of this?"

  "Food." Dean began to open it and dish their food. He burnt his finger and dropped the fork in the dish, "You okay baby!?" Cas panicked grabbing Dean's finger, began to put his finger in his mouth.

  "Cas." Cas looked at Dean with the tip of his finger in his mouth. He then took it out, "Yes?"

  "I'm fine."

  "You burnt your finger."

  "Yea, I'm fine."

  Cas then kissed his finger and let go of Dean's hand,  "I love you Dean."

  "I love you too Cas."

  They smiled and kissed, they began to eat and talk. The sun began to set and Dean walked Cas out, they went to their fencing area which showed the ocean. Dean opened the fence and walked with Cas down to their dock, Dean stood on it bringing Cas to it.

  Sam ran out and secretly took photos, Dean went on one knee and pulled out the ring box. Looking up at Cas, "DEAN, what are you doing!" Cas said eyes widening and covering his mouth.

  "Castiel Novak, will you marry me? Share a life with me, wake up with me, go to bed with me, love me forever until we die, and be my husband?"

  "Dean...we've been dating for two months."

  "Well you've known me for almost a year Castiel, I think that's a big win."



  "I will, I'll marry you!"


  "Yes!" Dean put the ring on him, Cas pulled him up and began to kiss him.

  Sam wasn't missing any shot of the moment he really was just holding the iPhone button but steady so no blur. One of his favorite photos he took was this.

        I drew this for this chapter^

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        I drew this for this chapter^


Castiel went into school for another day of teaching, he went into the break room to get coffee there. "Hey Novak." A teacher said.

"Hi." Cas said shyly raising a hand. He went and got coffee, a teacher named Hannah came over to Novak. "I heard you had a sexual affair with a student."

"I yea...I did..."

"So do you like hook up with other students or just him."

"I don't know what you think I am, but I'm not a pedophile we happened on a mistake but it wasn't a mistake. I love him, and we're dating if you have a problem with that then you can leave me alone. He is a legal adult, so I'm not committing a crime!" Cas raised his voice being pissed off that a teacher found out.

He didn't bother to take his coffee he left it and went to his classroom, he got his stuff situated. 'I told my sixth hour about Dean and I and I know Benny didn't because he decided to get homeschool.'

Hours go by and sixth hour hit, his class came in and they saw their teacher was pissed. "Hello class, so someone told me that they found out about my boyfriend and I."

The class was silent and somehow was able to pick out of the crowd who did it, they were the most scared out of everyone. "Garth!"


"Did you tell?"

"Yes sir."

"PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" Cas yelled pacing to him, Garth ran out and headed there.

The cheerleader saw the ring on Castiel's finger, "WHATS THAT RING! OMG OMG OMG! DID YOU GUYS GET ENGAGED LAST NIGHT!!"

"Rowena, seriously yes we did. Your very observant, use that in school not in people's personal life."

"Sorry sir..."

"What's that in your bag?!" Cas saw what he thought was weed.

Rowena looked down and saw her container, "ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!"

"It looks like weed Rowena."


Cas then looked at her one of the other students threw paper at her, it got stuck in her red curly hair the other cheerleaders helped her get it out.

"ASH WHAT THE HELL!" Rowena screamed.

"Language!" Novak yelled.

"Your really a witch prove it!"

"She doesn't have to prove anything." Novak said chucking not believing anything.

"I will prove it!" Rowena pulled out her rag and herbs along with her candles she sat on the floor in front of Novak's desk.

"Rowena this is absurd go sit down." Novak said.

Rowena flicked her wrist and sent Novak to the window platform, everyone gasped. She then laid down the rock and lit the candles, she placed the herbs in a pattern. She then said words that sounded gibberish, and with that the fire began from her hands.

Everyone went terrified except the cheerleaders they knew this about her, they too are witches. Novak then told her to knock it off, she let the fire out and packed up her things she sat back down.

  Novak adjusted his tie and walked to the front, "Uhm ookay so class..." Novak was shaking a bit and the students believe he was about to have a panic attack. They saw him fall to the ground they ran over behind his desk where he was, he was in a ball calming himself down counting as he tapped his knee.

  "Mr. Novak are you okay?" Ash asked.

  "Yes, help me up."

  Ash helped Novak up, "I don't what that was, I haven't had panic attacks since high school and college. Sorry about that guys, very unprofessional."

  "You can't keep a panic attack away they just happen, don't apologize your fine." Rowena said.

  Class goes by quick and so does his seventh hour, school ends and he gets his things ready he stops when he hears a knock on the wall. "Hello?"

  "Hey baby!" Dean said coming through.


  "You ready?"

  "I can drive myself why are you here?"

  "I got a call from the school saying you had a panic attack, I'm not letting you drive home today."

  "Fine, how are we going to get my car back home then?"

  "Well I walked here because of that, I'm driving your car babe."

  "Oh really?"

  "Yes, keys." Dean put his hand out for the keys, Castiel threw them to him.



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