🥀Chapter Five🥀

597 14 46

Bad Luck


Amy's POV

Sunday, Present Day

     "I'M GOING TO GET YOU, COME BACK HERE!" I screamed, chasing after Sonic for taking my hammer from me.

     "Yeah right!" he laughed.


     "If you can keep up, then you may take it from me."

     Oh, it's on!

     I started to pick up my speed more, sprinting across the fields of Green Hills. He wasn't using his speed, so that made it easier for me. It was nice, running after him again, it's been a while since I chased him like crazy; I was very naive before. But now, I'm more mature and have more personality. Once I knew I was near catching him, I jumped and made him fall by jumping on top of him.

     "GOTCHA!" I yelled as I snatched my hammer from his hand. "That'll teach you a lesson."

     "Okay, okay! You got me!" Sonic said. We both got up and started to randomly walk around the field. Suddenly, I had this feeling.

     This feeling...... of telling Sonic...... that I love him.

     I mean, he already knows. But, I guess I want to extend our relationship. So I gathered my courage to ask him.

     "Hey, Sonic?"

     "Yeah, Ames."

     "You see, I have wanted to tell you this for so long. But, I just-"

     Before I could finish my sentence, there was a distant sound of lighting. The sky turned black, the lightning started to appear above us, and all the trees and other things around us dusted away.

     "Uh, Sonic," I asked, scared, "what's going on?"

     "I don't know." he said back to me. "But don't worry Ames, it's going to be okay. Just hold my hand and I'll get us out of here." he said, trying to comfort me. I did as he told me to and he started to run. Suddenly, a huge piece of glass from a mirror separated me and Sonic.

     I screamed.

     "Sonic?" I yelled. "SONIC!" I couldn't find him, I lost him. More pieces of glass started to rain around me, it was liked I was in a cage with no roof. I looked at my reflection and saw me...... but in a different and EVIL-ish look; my reflection was different than how I looked like right now. I was wearing my red dress, boots, and headband that I normally wear. But in the mirror, I was wearing a red tight skirt, red crop top, and red headband with black spikes around my red shoes and bracelets.

     What is going on?

     "Let him go, Amy." she said. "He's not worth your time."

     "NEVER!" I yelled back.

     This girl is trying to manipulate me! Although, it seemed like I was talking to myself.

     "You might wanna be careful with what comes over your head." my evil reflection smirked. Out of fear, I looked up. OMG, A GLASS IS FALLING DIRECTLY DOWN TO WHERE I WAS STANDING! I can't run anywhere, so all I did was put my hands above me and screamed.

     I woke up, in my room. It was all a dream, again? I guess my dreams are cursed, hopefully the nightmares stop soon.

     I got up and got ready, today I was going to the park to meet up with Silver and Blaze. We just thought we could hang out, but I have other plans for them.

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