
140 11 185

Hi I'm milk (also known as biitch. Thx a lot Lilly) but you can call me milk. Anyway, here are some facts about me:

-Only boy in the family (NOT ANYMORE!!! Well, I'm more of a guardian, not part of the fam, but you catch my drift -Midnight)

-Gemini (the best zodiac)

-Doesn't cuss much (shocker)

-Athletic and nerdy

-Hates playing music but loves listening to it

-Older than Lyn

-Demon of milk and vegetarians 

If you:

Insult my family, you will die (except my brother, pick on him all you want)

Insult milk you die

Insult vegetarians you die

Call me a nerd you die 

Attack me unarmed or with a knife you get a kick to the groin and/or punch in the nose

Call me a jock you die

Pick on any of my friends, you guessed it, you die

Fun facts:

I can read upside down letters

I play baseball and basketball 

I read at an University standard according to Lexile 

I have -4 math skills

I don't have any pets 🥺

I want a dog

I'm always injured or in pain, cause my life is just like that ig

I'm a demon

My name is James

You won't find me

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