Chapter 14: The Demon in the Snow

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"Kakashi sensei" Aika lifted her head and looked at him "Sasuke is-"

"Naruto! Aika! Over here! Look, it's Sasuke! He's alright! He's alright!" they hear Sakura shout happily

Aika, Naruto, and Kakashi look over to see Sasuke standing besides Sakura, injured but alive.

"...Sasuke" Aika's eyes filled with tears "thank goodness.. he's ok"

"Don't cry again sis" Naruto wipes her tears "honestly you're such a crybaby sometimes"

"s-shut up!" Aika sniffles

"Hey! Yoohoo! Don't get too comfortable! This party aint over yet" the thugs shout "Whose going to pay us now that Gato is gone? No way we're going to leave empty handed. We'll just have to hit that village"

Kakashi, Naruto, and Aika were all low on chakra, but took a weak fighting stance nonetheless.

"There's one little thing you're forgetting about! before you set one foot in our village, you'll have to go through us!" 

The ninja turn around to see that Inari brought a group of townspeople, all armed with what they had ready to defend their village. The Ninja smile before facing the thugs.

"hehe" Naruto smirks and puts his fingers in a '+' "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A bunch of Naruto's appears

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Kakashi did the same thing as Naruto but his style. "Kakashi style!"

A bunch of Kakashi's appear.

"me next me next" Aika claps before making an 'x' "Fire Clone Jutsu!"

A bunch of Aika's with burning hair appear.

"Still want to fight?" The clones smirk

The thugs freak out and run away. The villagers cheer as the clones all disappear, Kakashi walks over to Zabuza. 

"Sounds like its over.. Kakashi.. I have a favor to ask.." Zabuza looks at him

"What is it?" Kakashi asks

"Take me to him before I go.. I need to see him one last time" Zabuza tells him

Kakashi picks him up as it started to snow. He placed Zabuza next to Haku, Zabuza reached over with his hand and caressed Haku's cheek. 

"I wish I could.. go to where you have gone.. how I wish I could join you there.. Haku.."

Aika became overwhelmed with sadness and began to cry again, Naruto begins to cry as well as he reaches over and holds his younger twin's hand.

"Zabuza.." Aika whispers "I'm sure.. I'm sure you'll go with him.. If you truly loved him like you cried.. I believe you'll be together"

"I sure hope kid.. take care" Zabuza replies before his eyes close


They set up graves for Zabuza and Haku, using Zabuza's sword as a marker.

"If this is the way of the ninja.. it sure does suck" Aika says as she stares at their graves

"Then let's change it" Naruto looks at his sister "we'll make our own Ninja Way"

Aika smiles "yes"

After the bridge was completed and the ninja's wounds were all healed, they stood at the beginning of the bridge saying their goodbyes.

"We could never have built this bridge without you. I can't tell you how much we're going to miss you" Tazuna says

"Now, now, don't get too choked up. We'll come back and visit real soon" Kakashi smiles

"You swear you will?" Inari looked like he was ready to burst into tears

"Of course. You know Inari, it's alright to cry if you want" Naruto's voice was choking up "There's nothing wrong with that. Go for it."

"Who says I'm going to cry? If there's nothing wrong with it, then why don't you do it?" Inari replies as he held back tears

"No.. you first" Naruto wipes his eyes "Forget it!" Naruto was blubbering when he turned his back to Inari

"Hey kid" Aika smiles and bends down to Inari "make sure to protect your mother well"

"I-I will" Inari wipes his tears "a-and you make sure t-to get stronger, w-weakling"

Aika looks surprised by his reply before smiling "yeah, I'll work hard"

"I-I mean it!" Inari shouts "i-if you don't t-then I'll become stronger t-then you!"

"Right right" Aika pats his head "take care, Inari"

As they walked across the bridge the group talked happily.

"When we get back, Iruka-Sensei will get me ramen to celebrate mission accomplished! Wait till I tell Konohamaru! The kid is going to worship me!" Naruto shouts and Aika giggles

"Sasuke.." Sakura began "When we get back, want to go out and do something?"

"I don't think so. No thanks." Sasuke answered

"Aw" Sakura pouts

"hey Sakura do you wanna come hang out with me?" Naruto asks excitedly

"No" She rejects

"Aw" Naruto pouts

"Sasuke" Aika stood next to him

"hm?" Sasuke looks at her

"Thank you.. for protecting me" Aika leans up and kisses his cheek "b-but don't do it again"

Sasuke hides his blush "w-well if I don't you'll just die, idiot"

"I will not!" Aika shouts

"yes you will" Sasuke crosses his arms "if you pay too much attention to Naruto then you'll surely die, you're too weak"

"I'll show you!" Aika pouts and sticks her tongue out at him "just you wait!"

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