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december 16

today was the day that frances is off to visit jess. she stayed up the whole night packing, and now was beyond exhausted as she pushed into her small car. the flight didn't leave till 4:45am, but might as well be early.

frances felt like she genuinely could not keep her eyes open as she backed out of her driveway. she had grabbed coffee, but it was not working in anyway shape or form.

the car ride to the airport consisted of frances hitting herself to stay awake, and her annoyingly loud rap music. when she arrived to the airport it wasn't busy at all, so she found a parking place easily. she hopped out of her car and grabbed her large cream colored suit case that was packed to the brim with clothing.

inside of the airport it was incredibly quiet, occasionally you would see a white family thats flight was probably at 6:00am and they were just beyond early. but otherwise it felt as if no one was there.

security wasn't too bad. except when she got patted down, it made her feel oddly uncomfortable. luckily she was not carrying any weed cookies or a Winchester Model 1897!!

after security she headed off to her gate, which took embarrassingly long to find. she got many stares from families and staff members, i guess listening to 'the beach' at max volume through your airpods at 4:15am is frowned upon.

once at her gate, the only other people there were a couple families and a bunch of business men. pehaps there is a meeting across the country?

this time she was only receiving stares because of how she looked. again, i guess having terrible eyebags, sweatpants, neon dream merch, and a untamed hair is frowned upon. oh, don't forget the music that was blaring through her airpods! (which was most definitely not appropriate for the small children.)

frances was saved the awkwardness of random business men in suits staring at her when her flight was called. she made sure to text jess, dream, and carter that she was getting on her plane, then she turned her phone into airplane mode and grabbed her suit case.

walking onto the bridge it finally hit her that she was gonna see jess again. what if I've changed? what if she doesn't like me anymore? nonsense. jessica, aka jess and frances have been best friends since primary school.

when frances had moved they had stopped talking as much, but frances still tried to visit twice a year. this year with covid, she was unable to visit her in spring and summer, so instead shes visiting during the winter. once is better than nothing.

once she was on the flight and settled, she could finally sleep. she expected to sleep maybe 1-2 hours of the flight, so when she woke up to the flight attendant announcing their landing, she was quiet surprised. somehow she slept through the whole flight.

now, she was in the EWR airport. there were no direct flights from georgia to brighton, so she would have to take many stops. her flight would now take her to LIS airport, which would then take her to OPO airport, and then finally she would be taken to LGW airport.

the flights all went well, the only bad part being her anxiety. it was now 2:39am on december 17. the constant traveling had her dead, not only in her bank account, but also her body. she genuinely though that her cause of death would be jet leg.

the only thing keeping her from jumping in front of the train that would take her to brighton was the cute girl that was also waiting for the train. oh, and the thought of seeing jess of course!

you're serious? |dreamwastakenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora