Party Games.

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A large group made their way to a booth that could probably only hold around 10 to 12 people, but with the extra help of a few chairs being placed at the end of the table, the table seated 16 people, all of which were in the glee club at one point. Directly in the middle sat Mercedes, Tina, Mike and Sugar, and to the right of them Marley, Kitty, Blaine and Kurt filed in. On the opposite side Santana sat at the end of the circular both with Brittany closely next to her and then Quinn and her drunk compadre, Rachel. The last four, Sam, Puck, Artie and Jake sat at the end of the table on the odd chairs that had been moved around to fit on the table.

Puck came over with multiple drinks in his hands, a smirk plastered on his face as he placed the bottles down on the centre of the table. Almost everyone was surprised at Puck's carrying skills, he had five bottles in his grip and not only that he had straws for a couple of people behind his ears. He placed straws in different bottles and let people choose what drink they wanted, and in a couple of seconds those drinks were all snagged. The dark haired guy let the dark green, velvet dining chair catch him as he used the end of the table to crack open his clear beer bottle.

Santana slowly sipped on her whiskey, feeling the strong burn running down her throat, she shuddered slightly and glanced at Sam sitting on his chair at the end of the table. Her jaw clenched, but her eyesight was torn away when someone stood up and people started cheering.

It was Puck, he was downing his beer and everyone was going wild, cheering him on. They were all grinning and smiling, whilst shouting 'chug!' over and over. That seemed like that was enough for Puck to finish the drink in about 15 seconds, and to which the alcohol inside the bottle had now all disappeared.

The empty bottle was placed on the table and their were a chorus of clapping, although Puck let out a burp that was really loud, that it made the excited and happy faces turn into disgusted, shocked ones. But, once he started laughing, so did everyone else.

The laughter finally died down and Puck sat back down in his chair and it was Blaine's turn to stand up, "Who wants to play truth or dare?!"

"Um, we answered that question earlier. Yes." Mercedes giggled and nudged Tina who started laughing along with her.

"Oh...I didn't- I can't remember, I-" Blaine stuttered, but Kurt just grabbed his arm and yanked him down whispering something in his ear, obviously something good because the curly haired man smirked.

Marley noticed this and quickly moved on, her eyes connecting with Artie and she faced him, "Artie, um truth or dare?"

"Imma choose truth first." He nodded, looking at the frowning group, "What?"

"No, no that's fine. Um how about...Oh, who here are you most jealous of?" Marley brought her glass to her lips as she waited for the guy to answer.

Artie looked around the group, meeting eyes with everyone around him, but he stopped and nudged Sam next to him, "Sam, probably."

"Why do you say that?" Sam questioned, his brows knitting together in confusion.

"Real talk. You got the hottest girl here, Brittany," Artie looked at the blonde girl and smiled, "She's sexy and-"

Santana gripped her glass tighter and glared at Artie, and if looks could kill, unfortunately Artie would be dead right now. She leaned forwards and was about to go all Lima Heights on the boy, but Sam put a hand on Artie's sweater covered shoulder.

"Dude, she's still my girlfriend. Chill." Sam chuckled and shook Artie's shoulder.

The dark haired boy pushed his square glasses further up his nose and nervously giggled, "Um, yeah. Lets, uh, turn this up a bit huh? Rachel truth or dare?"

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