Tender Love (sammy-Vi/mahirohirat)

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30th December 2020

One person can be seen pacing around the room and just then he received a call but seeing the caller ID , he thought to ignore it and so, didn't answer. Again he received same call but he didn't answer it again.

The person decide to call his elder brother to rant about everything he felt that moment and he called and his brother also received it a bit late but before he can ask " Why he answered the  call late ?" he was greeted by "Vii chachu!!"

V - "Zivu baby what are you doing with Papa's phone "

Z - "Ooof Vii chachu I was playing on Papa's phone as papa is helping mumma"

V - " Okay baby can you call papa Vii chachu wants to talk to him "

Z - " chachu you don't want to talk with Zivu (pouting) no one loves me ..even I couldn't talk to Sammy properly ☹️☹️

Hearing this Vii was all ears and more interested to know more. So he further asked " Why baby , was Sammy sleeping or anything? "

Z - " No chachu Sammy was playing and talking but Ritsy chachi received some guests so she said they need to attend them."
Ziva was saying something more but was interpreted by MS coming there asking "Who are you  talking to bacha? "
To that Zivu just shrugged her shoulder and said " Vii chachu" and push the phone in MS hands and ran away to play.
" Hello Cheeku " MS said.
To which he was greeted by whining Cheeku ranting that " It's his goddaughter's bday today and he couldn't even post anything for her and he was not invited to party also" 😑
Ms just sighed and asked " What party Cheeku ? And explain me what's  happening properly."
To that Vii relaxed a bit and started explaining " Bhai today is Sammy's 2nd bday and even Ro is not there so I thought I will plan something but I came to know Rits took Sammy out in morning so I decided to surprise visit them in evening but when I went to their place I heard many noises and after peeking from Window I came to know that there was party going inside with most Mumbai Indians Wags with only Sky (Surya) & Aditya present there and rest  MI players were on Video call which was projected on screen. I thought I was Sammy's favourite but she was playing with Sky and even he uploaded their video of during IPL to wish her on Instagram. See Bhai how mean Ro and ritsy became they didn't invite me to party when they knew I was in Mumbai."
Ms saw his cheeku's rant won't stop anytime soon so he decided to cut him off in middle asking " How do you know  Ro and Ritsy arranged a party and didn't invite you there "
" I....I ... I just guessed it how else there was party then " Vi answered.
Mahi sighing said " Cheeku did you for once thought that MI member might have surprised Ritsy and Sammy just the way you wanted too and Did you also forgot Ro is in Australia now so how can he host party and that too without inviting ICT and also as far as I know Sky was calling you since morning which you haven't received 🙄"
Smiling sheepishly 😅😅 he asked " how do you know bhai that I didn't received Surya's call and yeah I forgot only Ro can't host party without inviting us"
To which MS shaking his head said " because Surya had called me asking if I had any contact of Ro's close friend or any one from ICT who is in Mumbai today so he could invite them to Sammy's surprise party which is surprise for Ro and ritsy too and even he informed me that he called you but you didn't receive so he left you message also and seeing your reaction you haven't seen that too."
Vii checking his message starts rushing towards Ro's place said speedy goodbye to MS.

At Ro's place :
Sam was talking to all players on video call as they were waiting for certain someone for cake cutting and same time they heard door bell going off ritsy was about to get up but Sky beat her to it and went to open door.
Surya was greeted by smiling virat waiting impatiently for door to open.

Surya gave virat smile saying "We were just waiting for you to come so we can do cake cutting"
Virat halt in his steps and turn towards sky ask " You guys were waiting for me to cut cake , why? "
To that Sky smiled admiringly and said " without Sammy's Vi chachu we wouldn't dare to cut her cake and even Ro Bhai said same thing ... he even made Polly miss his practice  and Kept everyone waiting for your arrival."
Hearing this Vii felt bit guilty that he didn't receive sky call since morning and here they all were waiting for him. So he just side hugged sky and said "Sorry buds I couldn't answer your call."
"That fine virat let's go inside everyone is waiting for you and you don't want to Keep your Princess waiting more now "
They smiled at eachother and walked inside.
Virat was greeted by 2 small pair of hands hugging his leg he knees down to Sammy level and gave her bear hug wishing happy birthday sammy was squealing.
When Vi broke hug and saw that everyone is watching them he picks up Sammy and move to living room were he saw 2 screens one with all ICT member and their wife's and other had MI family.he saw Ro and Mahi Bhai smiling at him and sky brought cake out.

After cake cutting, video call was cut and all others also left after dinner. Even during dinner Vi was feeding Sammy and later on decided to stay back and spend his much needed time with Sammy and Ritsy didn't oppose that idea and went to call Ro.

Virat being virat he asked Sammy very childishly " Who does she loves more "
Sammy in her baby voice said "dada"
Virat facepalmed himself and rephrased his question " Baby who's your favourite chachu"
Sammy pouting as if thinking 🤔 then answers " Boom Boom " and start clapping her hands vi was about to sulk when he heard Ritsy and Ro who was on call say "You again asked her wrong questions Vi ". Virat just gave them questioning look to which Ritsy asked " Sammy boo who do you love after mumma dada " Sammy being Sammy squealed loudly " Vi cha " and went to hug him and Ro asked "Baccha who is Sammy's bestfriend after dada" again hugging virat she answered "Vi cha". Virat was overwhelmed by this same time virat received message from MS saying " Cheeku always don't jump on conclusion.Sometimes think and listen to other then reach to conclusions and also whether to answer someone's call or not think they might want help or need to share something important and don't doubt your value in your bestfriend and his daughters life bcz by now you might have came to know both of them loves you alot ."
Smiling to himself he saw that Sammy was fast asleep snuggling to Vi.
So Ritsy said to Vi that he should stay the night there only as it was late.
Vi was about to getup from bed so he can go and sleep in guestroom but he felt small figures wrapped around his hand .... seeing this ritsy said " Vi you sleep with Sammy only bcz if she wake up in middle of night and didn't found you here then she will cry alot and even Ro is not here to handle her when she cry and don't worry you can find some t-shirt of Ro in cupboard and good night" and She went from there.
Vi just smiled seeing Sammy and just ruffled her hair and said " You definitely are my Ro's babygirl ,always know how to make someone feel better."

Ps : this is not my edit

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Ps : this is not my edit .....I just found this pic on Google it's some fanclub's edit which I found very cute so I uploaded it here.

I just found this pic on Google it's some fanclub's edit which I found very cute so I uploaded it here

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

( I just loved this pic don't know why)

A/N :

Hey guys wish you all Happy New Year...I know it's already one week but was busy with few things.

Bhavs Mahiro457 this chapter is specially for you as I can't thank you enough for your encouragement and all help so this is my way to show gratitude and love to you, love you girl😘.

I hope everyone like this update , feel free to drop your feedback, comments and any suggestions and also please vote for it guys.

One shots on Rohit's BondsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat