If James Bond Was Bruce Springsteen

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"Well, where's Right Said Fred when you need 'em?" he drawled dryly.

Ella snorted, finally raising her head from Jess's shoulder. "I second that."

Luke barely noticed their compliments, instead fiddling with the small silk square meant to go in his pocket. "The guy who sold me this suit put this thing in the box. I don't know what the hell to do with it."

"It's a pocket square," Jess explained, brows furrowed. Even he knew that one after being forced to wear a tux at the launch party for Dave Eggers' collection at Truncheon last year. "Do the math."

"Oh," Luke said, looking down at it. Realization dawned on his face and he put the pocket square in its rightful place. "Oh, it looks kind of nice."

"Sure does, boss," Ella said, biting back giggles. Luke was like a deer in headlights.

"So, this is the big outfit for tomorrow," Luke announced, finally turning to them and putting his arms up to show them the look. "Get it all out now."

"I like it. You look like James Bond if James Bond was also Bruce Springsteen," Ella said.

"That's what it is!" Jess said with mock excitement and wide eyes, pointing to Ella.

"But, I think it'll make Lorelai's whole life, Luke. Seriously," she said with more sincerity, almost pride.

"Thanks, kid," he said shyly. Then, he looked at his nephew. "Jess?"

Jess paused for a moment, then stood up and spoke with gravity. "Turn around?"

"Jess," Luke said, sighing in exasperation.

Raising his eyebrows expectantly, Jess gestured in a circle. "Turn."

Luke did as Jess said, spinning in a slow circle. "Well?"

"You are a very handsome man," Jess answered.

Luke rolled his eyes. "All right."

"I mean, very hot," Jess continued emphatically.

"I got it," Luke said.

Jess chose not to take the hint. "Rande Gerber hot."

"Enough, Jess," Luke warned.

Jess's face softened with sincerity. "Hey. You look good."

"Yeah?" Luke asked, surprised.

Jess clapped Luke on the shoulder and then went to sit back next to his wife. "I only do sincere once, man."

"Right, thanks," Luke replied.

Ella laughed, feeling nostalgic but not letting it overtake her. Since finding out about the pregnancy, Ella had been trying to focus on the future instead of the past. Even if it scared her a little. She was overjoyed at the idea she was going to get to see Luke and Lorelai marry. Before the conversation could go in any other direction, Kirk rushed into the house unannounced, taking a seat on the armchair opposite Ella and Jess. He put his head in his hands and gave a distressed groan.

"Luke! Everything is under control!" Kirk screeched.

"What happened to knocking, Kirk?" Luke asked.

"Yeah!" Jess said ardently, picking up his book again. "What if we were naked?"

Ella nudged him playfully with her elbow as a soft, sly smirk came over his face.

"Don't say that," Luke admonished him.

Kirk shot up and headed in the direction of the downstairs bathroom.

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