Chapter V: Hunting Season

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Lachlan and Nicks, now with Tom land on a docking platform in the heart of Hosnian Prime. Lachlan, Nick and Tom walk out and begin to walk through the streets.
"So, where exactly is Kayda?" Nick asks.
"I don't know, but I know he's here, I talked to him last week, he said he'd be here for a while."
Tom explains.
They keep walking, then Tom stops outside a bar.
"I can sense him." He says walking in with Lachlan and Nick.
They look around the bar that is all black with neon red, blue and green lights, aswell as many people. Tom walks into a VIP room and sees Kayda, lying on the ground, blood dripping from his nose, his eye black and his lip cut.
Tom shakes Kayda.
"You okay?" Tom asks, Lachlan and Nick rushing into the room.
Kayda's eyes open.
"Shit, Tom? Nick? Locky?" Kayda says, regaining his strength.
"Your beaten pretty bad." Tom says.
Kayda nods.
"I owe these fuckers called the Dasainis." Kayda says wiping his nose.
"We need your help." Tom says.
"For what?" Kayda asks.
"We need to kill Kylo, and destroy the first order."
"Fuck no, I left that Jedi shit behind." Kayda says.
"Come on, we need you." Lachlan asks.
"No, listen, when the first order killed my parents over the Jedi shit, I said I'd stop, I mean it." Kayda says standing up.
"Then don't do it for us, do it for your parents, don't make their deaths for nothing!" Lachlan says.
Kayda punches Lachlan.
"Don't ever talk about my parents." Kayda says, he looks back at Nick and Tom, and then he thinks.
"Fine, I'll help if you help me take out Salazar Dasainis." Kayda offers.

The group use the dark of the night to sneak past a gate and a wall that surrounds the tall building.
"So, we going straight in, guns blazing or do we sneak in?" Lachlan asks.
"Salazar is at the top." Kayda says pointing up.
Kayda smiles.
"You boys run in through the front using the force and your sabers." Kayda explains.

Lachlan, Nick and Tom walk into the building, a guard walks up to them. The man is in full red armour, his helmet is like a bike helmet, with a visor, he raises his hand.
"I'm sorry gentlemen you can't come in." The man says.
Tom waves his hand.
"You will let me and my friends up to the penthouse." Tom says.
"I will le-." The guard says.
Another guard from across the room yells out.
"Hey, they're trying to trick him!" The other guard yells.
Tom quickly pulls out his saber and activates it, the yellow beam of light going through the first guard, who drops his blaster, the second guard raises his gun but a spinning beam of blue light flies through the air and cuts off the mans head, and the saber returns to Lachlan's hand as the first guard falls over. The elevators open up and more guards run in.

Kayda opens the window to the penthouse and climbs in, he raises his blaster and shoots one of the guards that are wearing full black armour, the second one rushes Kayda, and he uses the force to grab the desk that Salazar is sitting at and throws it into the other guard, Kayda uses the force to pull out his lightsaber from the desk.
"Hey! That's mine! We made a goddamn deal!" Salazar says, grabbing his own custom beskar sword.
Kayda ignites his saber, a green beam of energy comes from the white hilt with black accent and the green logo of a snake. Salazar runs at Kayda, striking with his beskar sword, Kayda parries, then force pushes Salazar into the wall, but Salazar dodged a strike, and cuts the back of Kayda's leg, he then swings again, and Kayda and Salazar lock weapons.
"We made a fuckin' deal!" Salazar says pushing as hard as he can against Kayda.
"Yeah, we did." Kayda pushes off Salazar, dodges a strike and slashes the back of Salazar's back. Salazar rolls across the floor, he backs up against the window. Kayda stops himself from force pushing Salazar instead, he uses the force to grab a ship as it flies by, and slams it into Salazars room as Kayda jump out of the window, as he falls he looks back, and sees the penthouse exploding. Kayda lands on another ship as it flies by, and jumps to the ground, he goes to the motel across the street, and after a few minutes Tom, Nick and Lachlan join him in their room.

"So, you'll join us?" Lachlan asks taking a seat.
Tom pours himself a drink as Nick does the same.
"Yeah." Kayda says staring at his white saber.
Tom sits down as he drinks.
"Who's next?" Tom asks.
"Max or Sam." Lachlan replies.
Kayda looks up.
"I know where Sam is." He says.
"Where?" Nick and Tom ask in unison.
"Coruscant, level 4." Kayda says.
"Level 4?" Tom asks annoyed.
"Yeah, but tonight, let's not worry about that." Kayda says grabbing his drink from the table.
"To the reunion!" Lachlan says smiling.
They all taps glasses and talk.
"Man, back when we all ran together shot was sick." Nick says.
"Yeah, remember when Davey had so much to drink he puked all over Senator Orlea?" Tom asks.
Lachlan scoffs.
"Worst night of my life, my saber got stolen, I of course found it, but had to beat up the guy who took it." He says chuckling.
"Luke would've been so disappointed in us, still would be." Kayda says.
Lachlan nods.
"I remember he told me Jedi need to be peaceful, he wanted us to meditate, and no loving anyone, it was just stupid." Nick says.
"Man, I just realised the last time we where all together was back when Davey wasn't, y'know." Lachlan said.
Everyone stayed silent.
"He's still a good guy, he just, he just..." Kayda stops and ponders.
"He's just changed." Tom says, leaning back in his chair.
"Fucker wasn't always like that." Nick says.
The men keep talking for the rest of the night.

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