extra chapter bc i love u

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"Yeah right, like that would ever happen." Bakugou scoffed.

"Hmm, I think a bow tie would look nice." you giggled.

"It's a tie or nothing." he replied, looking you dead in the eyes. "Anyways, we don't have to rush anything, the wedding isn't for another month."

Playfully rolling your eyes, you got out of the bath and walked over to grab a towel, swaying your hips for him.

A smirk came to his lips as he followed, grabbing a towel and putting it around his waist.

"Don't do that." he said.

"Do what exactly?" You said innocently as you raised your eyebrows.

He tched and looked you up and down as your dried the water from your body. Keeping his eyes on you, he drained the bath and blew out the candles.

Brushing you hair, you stood in front of the tall mirror.

"Do we have to go?" he said with his eyes still on you.

"Of course we do." you said keeping your gaze on your reflection.

"I would rather just be here, with you." he replied as he got changed.

Putting your hairbrush down, you walked over to help him tie the buttons on his shirt.

"We can't just stay in this room forever." You said as you began to tie up the buttons one by one, "If you don't want an engagement party you never should of proposed in the first place."

He rolled his eyes, hearing you chuckle slightly, "Shut up idiot."

Giving him a smirk, you walked into the bedroom and leaned on the window sill. The soft breeze dried your damp hair as you looked out on the sunset. This was it, you thought, this was perfection.

"Someone looks happy." Bakugou said, wrapping his arms around you.

You swivelled around in his arms to face him, "Tonight I finally get to meet the people, you did know that the whole kingdom is invited, right?"

Raising his eyebrows slightly he cleared his throat, "Yeah of course I knew that." he lied.

Shaking your head, you pecked his cheek and walked over to the small mannequin, on it rested your dress for tonight. It was beautiful, champagne in colour with short off the shoulder sleeves, along the bottom of the dress were small golden floral patterns that glistened slightly.

"Do you think they will like me?" you asked him.

Almost laughing to himself he said, "That's a stupid question."

You looked over to him to see him smiling lightly.

"Of course they will."

His words made your heart flutter. Smiling back, you turned to face the dress, playing with the sleeves. You gently took it off the mannequin and slipped your legs into it followed by putting your arms through the sleeves.

Bakugou watched, slowly walking over and without any words being shared, he tied up the white ribbon at the back. As his fingers fiddled with the bow, his eyes trailed along your figure. It reminded him of the time at the lighthouse, and how far he had come. In that moment he realised, not only was he happy to be with you, but he was happy in-himself, proud of himself. He was free. No longer trapped by anger.

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