He helped me sit back in the seat. He got in the drivers seat and we started back home. I felt Will tap my shoulder.

"You ok?" I nodded. And leaned into the seat. I felt it get really warm. I smiled and patted the dash. Ron smiled and Will sighed.

We pulled into the drive and I saw a lot of cars. I tensed as I saw a police cruiser. I kept my gaze locked with it. Once Ron stopped the truck, I jumped out and went right to it and started circling it.

"Chloe? What are you doing?" I held up my pointer finger and crouched near the back door. I studied the symbol. It had a metallic face, not a bird like one. I sighed in relief.

"Is something the matter?" Officer Rowl asked, coming next to me. I looked at him. "I was just checking something." I said, standing. He looked at me quizzically.

"We had a cop car that seemed to prowl at night near my house. I was pulled over once by him for absolute reason. He was really strange. He had the same police cruiser..unit this was different." I touched the metallic face. They all looked alarmed.

"What did it look like?" Officer Rowl asked. "It was like a bird's face. The strangest thing was that it said '....to punish and enslave.'. It was weird." I frowned.

"What did he say?" I snorted. "'You were going a mile over the speed limit ma'am. In going to have to give you a ticket.'" I mimicked. "Did you give him your information?" I looked at the Officer.

"Nope. Told him to fuck himself. Said if he pulls me over again, I'll bust a cap in his ass three times in a row." Ron looked dreamily at me. Will slapped the back of his head. Office Rowl smiled at me.

"What did he do?" I shrugged. "He stared at me and scoffed. Until I brought out my babies. He backed off and I left him in the dust." They looked at each other. "You had those in your car!?" Will squeaked. I gave him a deadpan look.

"So? I was bringing them to a safe spot so Kyle would t find 'em. I should go her them and fix 'em up. Hopefully they aren't rusted." I rubbed the back of my head.

"Chloe! Where were you!" Sarah ran out. "You were supposed to be here 45 minutes ago." I looked down.

"We almost got in a crash. A snow plow blew a stop sign. If it wasn't for Chloe's quick thinking, we'd be in the hospital." They looked at me surprised. "She jerked the steering wheel and we spun out of the way." Ron frowned.

"We're fine. That's all we need to say." I felt eye on me. "Well, dinners done." I smiled and walked inside.


Next Day


I got dressed and walked down the stairs. I sat down next to Ron at the kitchen table as Sarah set the food out. I started eating when Optimus came in and sat directly across from me.

"Chloe. We'd like you to come to the base." I shook my head. "Not today. Busy, busy, busy." I said, looking at the time. "Crap, I'm already late!" I said, jumping up from the table. I jumped around, getting my boots on.

"What do you have to do that's so inportant?" Rowl asked. "I have to go with Lindsey. Deal with my ex monster-in-law but not without my pain bringers." I said, putting on my jacket and hat.

"Take someone with you." I glanced backwards. "Whoever what's to go better make it quick. I need to go now." I heard chairs slid as I walked out to the garage.

I looked around. I sighed and grabbed a hand gun. I put it in my belt and grabbed another pistol and placed its hilt on my lower leg. I rolled down the pant leg and walked out. IronHide was ready to go with Ron in the drivers seat.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 20, 2012 ⏰

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