(8) - Fights and Kisses

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"Oh right, Mom told me to tell you that we have to go to Grandma's for dinner tonight so we have to get home quickly after school." Luka says.

"Ugh! No! I hate that woman, she is so bitter and mean" Makayla groans.

"I know sis, I know" Luka says as he backs up and walks away.

"There goes my night." Makayla grumbles.

"It can't be that bad" I say, trying to make her feel better.

"It's that bad. You haven't met my Grandma and pray that you never have to" Makayla grimaces.

"Okay I will" I chuckle as I stand up from the table. "Come on, let's go to class" I say to Makayla.

"Fine" she grumbles out as she gets up from the table and stomps off to class.

"Class dismissed. Don't forget to study for our test Monday" the history teacher yells out as students are packing up and walking to the door.

"Ready to do some studying?" Jace asks me as we walk out the door and into the crowded hallway.

"Yeah, let me just grab some books from my locker and then we can go" I say

As I am opening my locker Jace peeps his head around the door and says, "So I've got a fight tonight and was wondering if you wanted to come after were done studying."

"Ummm, sure. That sounds like fun" I respond after thinking about the offer.

"Really? That's great" Jace says looking very excited. I close my locker after I have all the books I need and say, "Okay, I just have to tell my ride that I'm not coming home with them today and we can go,"

"Sure" Jace says as he trails behind me, pushing through the crowd of students.

I see Anakin leaning against his locker talking to some of his football teammates so I walk up and say, "I don't need a ride today, I'm going out with Jace."

He looks at Jace and then back to me, I see anger in his eyes and he spits out, "No absolutely not. I know Jace has a fight tonight and you are not going."

"You can't tell me what to do" I say back angrily. Who does he think he is trying to order me around.

"I just did" he argues.

"Why do you even care?" I snap back.

Anakin's jaw ticks and he spits out in a menacing tone, "fine, do what you want. Just remember to close your legs when you're there, slut." He then pushes himself off the lockers and stalks out of the school.

"Come on" I say to Jace and walk out of the school moments later.

"So what's the deal with you and Anakin?" Jace asks as the waitress walks away after taking our orders at the diner.

I start to grab out all the materials we need for history studying, trying to avoid the question.

"Huh?" Jace says, trying to get an answer out of me.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing" I say, trying to end the conversation.

"So that mean's you're single, right?" Jace asks while raising his eyebrows.

"Ya" I reply while looking down at my fingers so he doesn't see my blush. Jace chuckles at my response and says, "Okay, teach me about history oh wise one." I laugh at his odd choice of words and start to teach him everything he needs to know for the test.

"My brain is full" Jace states as he pulls out of the diner parking lot a couple hours later.

"So full that you will know every single thing on that test" I say proudly with a beaming grin. Jace looks over at me, chuckles and says, "Only you would find joy in teaching somebody history" while shaking his head.

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