Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon): Episode 11.

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The owner tells Nazli that Ferit comes there quite often. When they are seated, it turns out that Nazli is seated facing Ferit and cannot keep her eyes off him. Catching her in the act, Fatos remarks that Nazli should just go over and sit with him and adds, "Since your soul is there, you should take your physical self there as well."

As the meal progresses, Nazli cannot stop staring over at Ferit. She is so fixated on him that she misses the conversation the girls are having. They finally convince her to go and invite Ferit to join them. She does that but when Ferit declines, he asks her to sit down with him. She does and makes small talk asking if he comes there often. He answers that he goes anywhere the food is delicious. He asks if Nazli and the girls are celebrating the restaurant opening and she replies, "Evet. They thought to do something small".

Ferit just shakes his head and stares at the ground. Nazli asks f he is angry at her and he answers that he is a little angry. She tries to clarify that she did not hide the restaurant thing from him intentionally. The opportunity just arose quickly and she had to act so she would not miss it. If he had not cancelled the contract, she would still be working for him. He asks if she is sure she would not have found some other excuse to escape from him. She tells him she is having very difficult days and is very confused lately. She cannot seem to express herself in the right way. Ferit says that from now on, he will not ask any more questions to which he cannot get answers. If she wants to come and explain everything to him, he will listen to her but he looks very disappointed. He stands up from the table and wishes her a curt "good night", leaving her sitting alone. Nazli rejoins the girls at her table and tells them she wishes she had not approached Ferit. He has spoiled her mood.

The next day, Manami and Nazli meet with the Banker. Nazli does not have any income or real estate to back up the loan she needs. She also has a history of late payments so her application is denied. She is disappointed and sad. Then they meet with the seller to tell him they cannot take the restaurant and are told the seller will now have to consider other offers.

Nazli gets a call from Ferit's assistant asking her to come in to the office to sign some documents. When she is done and leaving the company's conference room, she runs into Ferit and Mr. Nakatami. He remembers her from the gala and asks if she is coming to the meeting. Before Nazli can answer, Ferit cuts in and informs him that Nazli does not work for him anymore. Mr. Nakatami asks why? Again, not allowing Nazli to answer, Ferit cuts in and tells him that Nazli found a better opportunity and will soon open her own restaurant.

Mr. Nakatami wishes her luck then tells her his wife has accompanied him. She will be at the conference and would really like to see Nazli. Ferit speaks over Nazli again, which irritates her a lot, and declares she does not have time; she is very busy. When Mr. Nakatami informs Nazli his wife will be very sad, Nazli gives Ferit a disgusted look. Ferit says there is nothing they can do about it. Nazli speaks up and tells Mr. Nakatami that there is something she can do about it. She is free and will attend the conference and she very much wants to see his wife. Mr. Nakatami is pleased telling Nazli it will give them an opportunity to enjoy the fresh air. Nazli is confused; "Fresh air?". Ferit tells her the conference is in Sapanca; an overnight trip. Nazli is a little taken aback but recovers quickly and says she would love some fresh air; it will be good for her to relax. When she steels a glance at Ferit, he is dumbfounded and seems irritated that she has agreed to go.

Nazli goes home to pack her suitcase and tell Fatos about the conference. She was goaded into going by Ferit talking over her, telling Mr. Nakatani that she doesn't have time and is too afraid, blah blah blah. To get back at Ferit, she accepted going. Fatos calls her on her actions. She wants Ferit to stay away from her one minute, then the next minute agrees to go with him on an overnight trip. The doorbell rings and Nazli assumes it is Ferit to pick her up. She is irritated when it is the company driver instead that will drive her to the conference. Fatos sticks up for Ferit reminding Nazli that he could have sent a bus ticket instead of a driver.

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