“Actually grandpa Ty bought the phone for her. She didn’t even give him a chance to apologize, not that he could say anything because he was in awe. When she was done swearing at him, he just said ‘you look beautiful, can I please have your number?’ yoh that made her lose her appetite because she didn’t even enter the restaurant anymore, she just marched to her car. I am happy that I was there at the beginning of your love story and I am also here now. We wish you guys all the best and we are expecting many nephews and less nieces because we don’t a stubborn mini you boss.” I just laugh shaking my head. They go to sit down and Simi comes to the stage again.

“Well an event isn’t an event without a little entertainment. So ladies and gentlemen put your hands together and help me welcome the amazing, the beautiful and talented Naima Kay.”

Everyone stands up and cheers for her as she makes her way to the stage. She takes the stage and start performing her famous ‘Shayizandla’ song. Silu asks me to dance with him and I just laugh because he is making fun of me. I finally give in and we head to the dance floor. Our guests scream when they see us. We start dancing, actually we are not dancing, and we are just moving slowly. He keeps making funny faces and I am just giggling.

We go back to our seats when the song comes to an end. Naima Kay continues performing 2 other songs and people also stand to dance. When she is done, she leaves and Simi takes the stage again. Starters are served and the speeches continue. Dinner is served. The toasting comes and Clara comes to the front.

“I have known my twin for only two weeks but it feels like I have known her my whole life. I love you babes and I wish you all the best. Now can everyone stand up with your glasses and some with the champagnes? Mr. Ndaba you will help with holding both our glasses.” We all stand up, we are holding glasses because Clara is the one who is going to pour for us.

“Now shake and pop.” Clara shakes and opens the champagne, she pour for herself, Simi, Silu and I. “Now pour but don’t drink yet. Hold your glasses up high.” We do so. “Now let’s toast, to everlasting love, happiness, joy and many kids.” We all toast and then drink. Damn it’s been so long since I have tasted alcohol, I already know that this champagne is going to throw me off.

Desert is served and then people start taking pictures. Sange comes to our table and asks us aside. She leads us to the private place where we start taking pictures. Well taking pictures is another thing that I hardly do. I don’t know how to pose so I am just going with the flow. Sange also shows me some of the poses and I do as she says.

We head back to the tent and dance with the people in the dance floor. This has been a very successful and peaceful event. I hope my wedding will also be like this. Tyrone comes to where I am dancing with Silu and asks Silu if he can dance with me. Silu goes to dance with mother and Tyrone takes me into his arms. He has this crazy smirk that is plastered on his face.

“You are always chasing after trouble just like him.” he says and I just look at him with a frown. “I know that something happened to your hand and it isn’t just you cutting yourself while cooking.” I chuckle.
“Well he lives inside me so it shouldn’t be a surprise that I am trouble and always looking for trouble like him.”

“Just don’t bring danger to your fiancé’s life. He looks like a good young man. It would be a shame if his life ends up in danger because of you.”
“Relax grandpa. He is always safe. He is the most watched person in this country, well after the president.” He stops dancing and looks at me.

“You’re a gang queen, it doesn’t feel right when you call me grandpa. How about you call me Rone?” I laugh and he also laughs.
“To you I am just Adriane Thompson, your granddaughter. I don’t let power get in my head and make me forget the role family plays in my life.”

“Spoken like a true leader. I am sure he is proud of you wherever he is. But I am pretty sure he is in hell.” I just laugh again shaking my head.
“What’s up with you and gran? Why are you always fighting?”

“She is attracted to me, she resorts to hating me so that she doesn’t have to face her feelings.” I raise my eyebrow.
“Yes. I mean have you seen me?” I laugh again. This guy is very funny.
“You are right. You have that thing mann.” I indicate with my hands. He frowns.

“What is that thing?” I chuckle when I remember this man is not from here.
“It’s that thing mann, that effect that makes ladies’ legs shake or go wobbly when you appear, you know.” He smiles.
“Okay I get it now.” We stop dancing when Ana calls him aside.

The people continue the party and they are even given alcohol. I change into a navy knee length bodycon dress with silver flat sandals. I pack my overnight bag and head out to look for Silu. I find him with some of his colleagues who are already leaving. They say their goodbyes and leave. He turns and frowns when he looks at me.

“And the bag?”
“I was hoping we ditch our own party and go make a private party for two?” his frown is quickly replaced with a silly smile.

“You want me all to yourself Miss Chiliza?”
“Yes Mr. Ndaba.”
“Okay. Let’s go say goodbye to our guests and then we can leave.”

“We can just tell them that I have a headache and I wanna rest. They can continue with the party. Your brothers and my friends will take care of them.”
“Sounds like a plan.”

We head to the backyard and Silu informs Simi that we are leaving. Sange laughs and tells us straight that we are ditching them for sex. I just laugh at her comment. Silu and I get to his car and drive to his apartment. He said we are going to buy a car when we get married and I have no problem with that. We get to his apartment and sex each other in every party of the house.

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