"He knows this movie off by heart." Reagan answers.

"I'm so bored!" Rory complains as he tosses a tennis ball up in the air, repeatedly. "If you hadn't knocked out the satellite dish, we'd all be joying Jacuzzi Time Machine right now," Benny tells him. 

"You think grandma is making out with her boyfriend right now?" Jane randomly bursts out. Everbody gave the same weirded out expression. Ethan and Rory groan at the thought and Reagan looks at the young girl wide-eyed. "Jane!"

"Don't you have some cards?" Reagan asks Ethan. "I remember we always used to play with them whenever the three of us were in trouble."

"My parents might have some old board games in the basement." Ethan shrugs. The five of them headed down to the basement where they were a bunch of games, mostly for educational purposes, even though Reagan knew she would beat everyone, which is probably why nobody wanted to play.

"Check this out," Ethan tells the others, them turning their attention to him. "Spirit Speaker. Host a seance and make contact with the spirit world." He blows the dust off the box, causing the rest to cough. 

"What's a seance?" Rory questions. "It's like a ritual conducted to make contact with spirits," Ethan explains.

"Which is extremely boring," Reagan adds, receiving a chuckle from Benny.

"Come on, Reagan." He smirks. "Don't be a chicken." 

Reagan scoffs at the Weir boy. "I am not a chicken. I just know better than to mess with spirits. You never know what could happen and I don't want to be apart of it. Let's go, Jane." The young Morgan girl nods and grabs Reagan's hand, leading them upstairs and into her room.

"A vampire who is afraid of ghosts." Benny sighs. "Well, what do you say, girls, up for a little supernatural action?"


"Are the dishtowels really necessary?" Ethan asks, trying to relive his head from the massive death grip it had on his hair. 

"Do you want this to work or not?" Benny questions. "Okay, everybody, two fingers on their respective corners." He shows the two boys as he holds up his index and middle finger together. "Now, all we have to do is just summon a spirit and ask it a question."

"Maybe Reagan was right. I don't think we should mess with this. We don't know who or what is out there in the enter." Ethan says, now agreeing with Reagan.

"Look, we're hanging out with vampires. My dear future girlfriend is a vampire. We pruned a haunted tree last month. I think this will be the least of our concerns." Benny says.

"Fine, but we are reading the rules first." Ethan reads the rules out loud before the three of them place their two fingers on their corners of the board. 

"Oh, great seance board." Benny starts. "Are there any friendly and gentle spirits who would like with us dudes?"

"Also preferably hot," Rory adds. 

The board glows green, reading 'Yes'. The three boys look at each other excitedly. "Are you a chick spirit?" The board glows green.

"Is there intelligent life on other planets?" Ethan questions, the board glowing red. "She doesn't know."

"Does she know what the force is?" Rory asks. "Has she transcended the space-time continuum? Has she ever met a Borg?" The board glows green once again asking, 'Are all three of you geeks?' The three boys shrug until a question popped into Benny's head.

"Will we be cool?" The board glows red. Then, one more pops into his head. "Will I ever have a relationship with Reagan?" The board glows green reading, 'Only if you do something about it.' A smile forms on his face. He had a chance. 

After asking the spirit more questions, the conversation eventually ended. The three boys lifted their fingers off the board after saying goodbye. Ethan and Benny walk into the kitchen, leaving Rory alone.

"Wait, guys! Come back! We haven't talked to any Babylonian babes yet." Rory exclaims to the two. He watched as they walk into the kitchen. He thought for a moment before shrugging and trying the board out himself. He places his two fingers on the corner of the board. "Sup. Is anyone out there?"

The table starts to shake, along with the furniture starting to levitate. Rory yanks the dishtowel off his head as he looks around the room. Ethan and Benny run back into the living room.

"Rory, what did you do?" Benny asks.

"Guys! What are you doing down there?" Reagan's voice shouted from Jane's bedroom. "Nothing!" The boys quickly shout back. 

Ethan and Benny sit back down on the ground. "Tell me you did not play alone," Benny says. "Are you nuts?" Ethan questions. The static on the TV disappears as it shuts off and the chandelier above them began to swing.

"Are you the brutally honest ghost girl we recently conversed with?" Benny asks the board. It glows red reading, 'NO'. "Didn't think so."

"Uh, guys? I think it's trying to tell us something, but I don't know what. It might be another language." Rory says as he points to the center of the board. It glowed green and flashed multiple letters of a different language. 

"Okay, I know it's not cool for a dude to be freaked out, but I am a freaked out dude right now!" Benny exclaims. 

"You played alone." Ethan whimpers to Rory. "Rory, it's the number one rule! Never play alone!"

"What do we do?"

"Let's all just put our hands on the board," Ethan suggests, the other two nodding in agreement. "Three... two... one!"

Ethan and Benny slam their two fingers on the corners of the board and the furniture goes back to the ground. "I think it worked." Ethan sighs. 

Suddenly, the board shines different colors reading, 'Hands Off'. "Take them off the board!" The three held up their hands, lightning of wind shooting the board. "Ghost in your bodies?" They pat themselves. "Maybe it never left the board."

"No more seances," Ethan says as they close the board game.

"I got no problem with tha-- woah!" Benny cuts himself off at the sight in front of him. Rory and Ethan turn to see Reagan walking down the stairs, but it didn't look like her at all. Her clothing was ripped apart, her hair was extremely curly, a black line squiggled down like a tornado on her forehead. Her eyes flashed golden as she smirked at the boys.

"Hey... Reagan..." Benny pauses before turning to Ethan. "I don't know what she had done to herself, but I like it." 

"Does anyone else think that Reagan seems a bit... different?" Ethan asks. Reagan tilts her head as she threw her hand up, causing the books to be ripped out of the bookshelf and the TV channel to swirl like a blackhole. 

Reagan doesn't say anything as she lifts her feet off the ground, levitating out of the living room and into the kitchen.

"Is it wrong to think that she's still hot?"

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