“Wow, she looks really good and it's a passport picture” I whisper.

I slip it into my pocket and move over to the receptionist.

“Hi emm... I was wondering if I could take a quick look around the hospital. Is that okay?”.

The woman looks up from her magazine and eyes me.

“You American tourists are all the same”.

She reaches out for a sheet of paper in her table and hands it over to me.

“Fill this” she sighs heavily and sags against her seat. “I'll be right back. I need to use the bathroom”.

I look around her table for a pen.

“Ma'am? Sorry Miss?!” I call after her but she's long gone.

I sigh.

“I guess I'll have to look for one”.

I walk around and step behind the desk.

“Pen, pen...”.

I rummage her desk. Goodness, it was messy.

“Ugh, can she not be so disorganized? It's a hospital. And she's supposed to be the face of the hospital” I whisper.

I spot a pen buried under a pile of books and papers. I tug at it and release it. The magazine she was reading earlier falls to the floor and I bend down to pick it up. I grab it and turn it over.

Mia's face nearly makes me scream. I breathe out.

“Of course, you'd make the front cover” I chuckle as I examine the magazine.

I'd never actually seen any of the magazines she was in. I mean I saw her all the time and she always asked for my opinion before every photoshoot or interview.

I smile at a picture of her and Eric. I was glad to see her happy.

I should probably call home today... oh but my phone!

“Lenny, where is Doctor Serrano?” a voice comes from above. “I need to ask him if...”.

I stand up from under the desk.

“I'm not Lenny” I say.

The man looks up from his phone and stares at me.

“You're not Lenny” he repeats with an amused look.

“Yeah, I was just back here looking for a emm... a...”.

I look around for the pen I found.

“Hey girl!” the receptionist yells marching towards me.

I find the pen and grab it before she pulls me away from her desk.

“What business did you have there?! I asked you to fill out a form, not bother the people trying to save lives!”.

“You didn't offer me a pen how was I supposed to...”.

“Doctor Vahanian” she turns to the man. “I apologize for the mess. You know how these tourists can be” she smiles, rushing to tidy up her desk.

I roll my eyes and return to my seat in the metal chair. I fill out the form and return to the desk.

“I'm done. Here you go” I place the paper down.

She looks up from her computer and frowns.

“Don't you have any manners young lady?” she asks.

“What did I do now, pray tell?”.

Mark of an Alpha's Queen Where stories live. Discover now