|Chapter 3|

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Chapter 3; sounds like a new plan

"That boy told me that almost everyone in district one knows details about their leader. They even know what he looks like, they're just not telling anyone." Once I was home safely, I was quick to deliver the bit of information I received to Lucas, who was listening closely.

"Hunter, I thought I told you to find out what he looks like, not if his people know it," Lucas felt a little frustrated that his plan hadn't worked out the way he wanted it to. He was mad that he felt as if he still knew as much about Justin Bieber as before, which was barely anything.

"I know, and I am sorry I didn't find out. But no one would really tell me anything. And I couldn't question them too much, they would have got suspicious," I replied and then waited for Lucas to reply, but the stayed silent.

"We could try again!" I quickly said. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint my brother when he had given me such an important task to do. "I could try and get someone from district one home with me. Preferably a drunk person. And you can question them. I am sure they can't keep shut for too long," I tried, feeling convinced myself that this could actually work out.

"That's too dangerous," He shook his head.

"Just think about it, it might help us figure everything out. Justin Bieber will sure hear of it and he will be more than surprised that you dared to take his people into your district," I argued.

"I mean . . . we can try I guess," Lucas sighed in defeat, running a hand through his already unruly hair. He then walked into his office and I followed behind him.

"So . . . I guess I'll be taking a man home with me tonight," I smirked, trying to annoy Lucas. I knew he didn't like the fact that I had to seduce a man to come home with me, but I also knew he had no other choice. Lucas was aware that I wasn't shy around boys, yet I could tell he hated the thought of his little sister doing something like that.

"No funny business, Hunter. This is a serious situation," He growled and took my arm into his hand. "Have I made myself clear?"

"Of course, Lucas," I shook out of his grip and pushed him back by his shoulders.

"Good," He replied, walking to his desk.

"Where is Sara by the way?" I asked when I noticed that she was nowhere to be seen in the house.

"She's out with some of her friends," Lucas replied, shrugging.

"Oh, okay. So, we'll do this tonight?"


I was really looking forward to it. A few days ago, I didn't even dare to ask my brother if he would let me go out in district one, nor if I could help with his work. But now I felt like his partner and we had some really good plans that could actually work out.

"Same routine as last night, Hunter. I'll send some of my man just in case something happens and you lose control of the situation. The man is going to drive home with you, in your car. Not the other way round," He said seriously and I nodded eagerly, agreeing with him.

"Got it, brother," I smiled and waved him off, walking into my room.

I did the usual make-up, chose some rather comfy clothes for tonight and grabbed a bag. After I left my room I pondered whether or not I should call Laura to come with me, but she had been out so often these last days that I was more than sure she was trying to gain some sleep.

I decided not to call her, and regretted it once I was alone in the club in district one feeling quite a bit lost.

But I immediately started looking for the one person I knew I wanted to take home with me. I had to find Jay. He was good looking, young and probably naïve and I wanted to have some fun too. And before I took any greasy old guy with me, I would rather bring someone like Jay.

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