Chapter 25- Judgement

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"You're right, I do judge you." I said. Luke nodded as if he confirmed his thoughts.

"I judge you when you act like a dick and pretend that you hate the world. I don't judge you when you defend me or when you offer to drive me somewhere, or when you get upset that your mom went out instead of coming home. I told you this on my porch, we are humans and we feel." I sighed.

"So stop thinking that the world will judge you no matter what you do or say, just be decent and if people still have a problem with that then fuck them. Period."

In that second Luke turned his gaze to me and kept it there for a few seconds. I was actually the one to look away and I wasn't sure why. Maybe I didn't want to make it too hard, but I felt like he felt that I was real enough to not judge him for the stupid things that he thought everyone judged him for.

"I'm going to say something, and you're only going to hear it once." He snarled and I furrowed an eyebrow, putting the fry in my mouth while nodding.

"You're not bad." He muttered and I almost felt a laugh come on. I apparently wasn't bad and I figured that it was the compliment of the year. I did in fact start to laugh lightly at his statement and it did feel good. Maybe he was starting to appreciate my frankness.

"That's a start." I said. One would think that I would reciprocate the comment, but I wasn't going to. Not because I didn't think he deserved it, but because I didn't think it was necessary.

"So, now that you've deemed me as not bad, I have the right to ask." I pestered being slightly annoying on purpose.

"Oh god." He put his hand on his face.

"What's up with you lately?"

Luke almost spit out what was in his mouth and I was pretty sure that I hit the hard question here.

"I'm just stressed, I guess." He lied taking a sip from his drink.

"Bullshit." I called.

"Let's not push it Peyton." He warned. There was a hint of seriousness in his tone, maybe I was pushing it, but I wanted to know. Luke was also guilty to be curious, so I was allowed this luxury as well.

"Can't blame me for being curious." I shrugged.

"Curiosity killed the dog." He mumbled and I laughed.

"Cat," I continuously laughed as Luke furrowed an eyebrow in slight confusion.

"It's curiosity killed the cat." My smirk still plastered on my face.

"Your smart-ass is showing."

"What happened to 'not all that smart Ms. America'?" I asked.

"You remember that?" He asked, maybe not thinking that people really do pay attention to things other say to them. It didn't bother me in the slightest bit more than it just irritated me, but I did remember it very well. It was the day when I got the horrid test back, and the results were less than anything passable.

"Of course I do," I coughed.

"I'm not butthurt don't worry." I reassured hoping that I came across funny. Then the thought came as to why I even cared if I came across funny, or why I hoped to come across any way at all. Maybe it as apart of my little game. Although the thought also came to mind that maybe this stupid game was completely pointless and juvenile. It wasn't like me at all, it was too petty. I wasn't petty. I am not petty. So why?

Maybe it was another escape from my mind that seems to constantly close itself in leaving me with little air to breathe. Although I wasn't ever trying to hurt people or bother people on purpose, it was oddly fun doing it to Luke. Probably because he does it to me sometimes and I feel like I can pester him with good reason. That was the only reason.

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