RoseWood Pack1

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The wolf watched and hesitated to move, the black male slowly watched the girl and suspiciously eyed all her movements. He gave her a mournful look and finally followed his pack who was now a good ways away, the girl held her breathe till the massive wolf finally left her sight and she gave a big sigh of relief as he vanished within the foggy woods...

It had been a month since my brother left me, a month since I had someone left of my family. They took him, the redfang pack took my brother. I sat in the cold chilling late winter winds and watched as Brandon and jarret trained, I watched them, imagining if they were in wolf form at the moment, there muscles and fur rippling with each hit. Molly left our pack because she couldn't handle the wild life, she acts as if it never happened, as if she wasn't one of us. I snapped out of my thoughts as Brandon sprinted over to my side and handed me a piece of gum "thanks Brandon." I said faintly still sorta stuck in thoughts.

I looked at him with a smile "good training, you two are gettin better at fighting and in a few years lil jarret will be giving you a run for your money. Hes strong for a four year old." I said reviewing in my mind their battle tactics. Brandon smiled "yeah, if I really wanted to though I could beat his tail." He said humorously, we both leaned against the white Alero car and watched Jarret.

Later that night...

A dark brown wolf with beautiful grey blue eyes stepped out of the woods meeting a dark blackish brown wolf with amber eyes and a brown and tan wolf with grey green eyes "finally Chelz." The black wolf smiled at the dark brown fae wolf "sorry, my brother was sleeping in my bedroom..." she apologized with an irritated look "isn't he a little old to be sleeping with you, 10 isn't he?" The black wolf known as Breezy asked awkwardly and shook her head as if to say "just forget it." And she leaded them to a grassy clearing.

"Brandon, Brennan, Douglas and Lail should be here shortly." Breezy said shaking her silky dark coat and looking up at the clear night sky "so Molly and her followers are suppose to be here trying to take our land?" Chelz asked "Molly is a cow..." the tan wolf known as Kk growled "I know." Breezy scorned lowly.

All the wolves turned there heads as four wolves broke through the clearing "little late aren't we? Nevermind..." Breezy said and snarled viciously as Molly lunged at her, she tore at the tan grey female's neck with her glistening white fangs and clawed at her belly "you will not take our land!" Breezy managed to growl through the fur in her mouth. Growls, yelps and howls filled the night as all the wolves broke into a fight. Kk gave out a shrill yelp as a rogue wolf's claws collided with her flank, she tripped the wolf with her hand leg and pinned the wolf, finishing it off. Brandon flipped a wolf over and lunged at its neck, silently killing it and immediately going at the next one. Finally the clearing grew silent as six wolves stood panting and one lay injured along with the dead rivals "come on." Breezy said limping towards Chelz lying on the ground with a sprained paw.

Breezy woke up on the floor of her living room, she stretched and turned to Chelz sound asleep beside her "Chelz wake up, you gotta get home before your family notices." Breezy said, in human form by now. Chelz grunted sleepily and got up briskly, she walked quietly into the kitchen and put her shoes on "bye chelz, see you tomorrow night." Breezy yawned and thought over last night, they fought Molly's pack and killed all her followers and she retreated. Breezy smiled wryly and laid down in her bed.

Breezy walked down the school hallway and everything slowed down around her and she got a funny feeling as she saw her crush who also crushed on her, Issac. She smiled and walked down the hallway and went to her fourth period...

Breezy got off the bus, it was Friday and she was glad, she ran down her driveway and into her grandparent's house.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2011 ⏰

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