Catelyn POV

She was in mourning for her eldest child, the boy she bore when Ned was at war with Robert. Not even the sept could calm her. She had scorned Bran when she saw him climbing again. She almost shouted at him but she had stopped herself.

She stands infront of her girls, both opposites of eachother, they had fought after Arya had ripped Sansas stitches up. Both girls look at the floor instead of their mother. "You two are dispicable. Fighting whilst we are all in mourning for Robb." Neither speak a word. "You have lost a brother now don't lose eachother."

Both of the girls look at eachother Sansa begins to cry as Arya looks at her. "Why do you not cry Arya?" "Wolves don't cry." She leaps up and throws herself out of the doors as Catelyn hugs Sansa. In the distance the howls of direwolves echo through the castle and even the woods beyond.

Eddard POV

He had sent a raven to Wyman Manderly, he was planning to go to White Harbor for boats then sail to Pyke. But it was possible that the Greyjoys would attack the north before he could reach them. The Maester knocks and enters. "My lord, Jon has sent a raven, he is bringing the remaining western men north to fight alongside you. Half by horse the other half by ships." "Thank you, Maester."

"There is other news from the south. Her Grace Lyarra has been challenged by both of her uncles for her crown." Eddard feels shock pass through him. Stannis and Renly fighting for her crown? The realm truly is mad. "They will bend their knees to her or she will break them." The Maester looks at him. "I am sure she will." "Any news of the Ironborn?" "No my lord, you needn't take Theons head." "When I took him to ward I knew this may happen. I will gift his head to Balon Greyjoy as it were he gave his own blood this death sentence." Maester Luwin looks at his lord sadly.

"Balon may have taken Robb from you but you needn't lose another, gain Theons trust by supporting his claim and after this war is won yhere will be peace." "You're right but honour means for me to take his head." "Please my lord save the boy and you will win the Ironborn to your side easily." The old wolf stands and walks out saying nothing.

He goes to the dungeons where the kraken heir had been thrown in to rot. He finds Theon in his cell. "My boy." "I am not your boy. You have me thrown in here for nothing. My father will rebel for this." Ned looks at the boy. "He has rebelled. I know my duty says that I should take your head but I have already lost one son." Theon looks at Ned his eyes full of dread. "Who?" "Robb." The boy looks shocked and he begins to shake.

"Your father murdered him and threatened my other children. That is why you are here Theon." The boy fell to the floor and sits there. "I am here to invite you back in to the castle. We will return to Pyke soon and your father will pay far his treason and you will take his place." Eddard orders the door to be opened.

He helps the Greyjoy boy to stand and walk to his chamber. "Theon, get some sleep." Walking out of the door he feels good to have helped the boy. The Ironborn will take him as their lord and Theon will marry a good woman and make her his lady. We will soon have peace. Ned leaves him alone and returns to his scolar.

Lyarra POV

She had sat upon the iron throne as she gave the order for Cerseis head and Jamie to take the black. Before the war she would have claimed the head of the lion of Lannister herself but she had changed. She had crowned herself as the high septon had refused to because she follows the old gods of the north. This in itself had caused problems as the smallfolk denied her as their Queen.

It had taken her to try to convince the people that religion shouldn't mean the heir could not take her own throne. She allowed her people to believe in whatever gods they want, so she argued that she should be allowed to take the crown.

The direwolves had turned on almost every person in Kingslanding. They had mauled some servants in the castle so they were locked mainly in the Godswood to protect people from them. She sits at the table with the small council. Varys looks at her deeply as Stannis talks of how they should take Storm's End by siege.

"No uncle you and your men almost died. We will not suffer that again. We will march there and take it by force if needs be." She speaks sternly. "Renly will be sent to take the black or exiled to the free cities. Oh and one more thing Stannis you will give up Dragonstone." She looks at her uncle determined.

"Now any more news?" "Yes, the Targaryens in the east are trying to gather an army to take Westeros back. A dothraki army might I add." Varys says. "Send word to them by any means. Tell them we will pay for their travel to Dragonstone and we will meet them there." Shock washes over all of their faces at that. "Viserys is said to be mad and you mean to meet him?!" Stannis says loudly. "Yes I do. If he agrees to my terms we can give them Dragonstone. Now excuse me my lords." She leaves them.

She walks to the red keep. The place had always made her uncomfortable. She stands and looks at the grand room. She thinks to the 400 people that watched her uncle and grandsire die, and no one even tried to help them. They listened as my family screamed. She felt anger rising within her. "When Maegor the cruel finished this keep he made it with many secret passages, Your Grace. Only he knew where they were." "I have heard the tale Lord Baelish."

"A spectacular keep. All under your command and when you wed the Martell boy you'll be his and the realm will be aswell. Before you become his you should rule as you wish." She looked at the greying man before her. "He will not sit on the throne, I will until my heir sits upon it." "A woman will never be able to keep the throne." "A man has never been able to keep this throne." She walks away with her words hanging in the air.


He had marched with the western men for a week. When the news came south that the Ironborn had killed Robb, Jons grief had taken him over. He had began to march north with his men at once. But these men did not know him or trust him so it had taken a while to get their support. The only way he had known to get their trust was to marry Myrcella Waters.

As the girl was still a child he had told sent news of this to the Vale and then he told his lords and men.  He had left the maester orders to keep the castle secure from uprisings at any cost. He leads them north, to Winterfell, to his father. He would arrive there a lord. He tried to be proud of himself but he couldn't. His brother had died and a part of him had died with Robb but that would have to wait for war to end.

His men donn their lion colours he even has the Lannisters banner held proudly beside him. He turns to the man who had taken to riding beside him. "Will we arrive soon?" The man looks at him coldly. His green eyes were lighter than the Lannisters emerald ones, his hair was a sand colour not golden. "Another week." His voice as cold as his eyes.

"You're a Lannister of Lannisport I take it." "And you're a bastard of Winterfell." Jon wants to punish the man but he knew that would be no good. "You are reckless talking to your lord like this." "You may be taking the pure Lannister girl to bed but you ain't no lord of mine." With that Jon trots forward faster, harder than the others. The north is where I belong. As he trots forward he feels free with Ghost following behind.

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